编辑器拓展 【更新】Terrain Composer 2 2.89

插件名称: Terrain Composer 2
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/terrain-composer-2-65563
版本: 2.89
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-16 14:32 编辑


TerrainComposer 2 2.7  下载链接
TerrainComposer 2 2.76  下载链接
TerrainComposer 2 2.81  下载链接
TerrainComposer 2 2.87  下载链接
TerrainComposer 2 2.88  下载链接

* Includes many examples and presets.
* Multi terrain-tile support out of the box, TC2 treats it as one terrain.
* Linear graphical node based GUI interface. Specially designed for user friendliness, cleanliness, overview and scale ability. For beginners its a easy to learn and for experts and artists a breeze to work with.
* Folder like layer system which is similar to Photoshop its layer system.
* Advanced masking, use an unlimited amount of masks on a layer and layer group.
* Makes use of the latest GPU technology to give real-time results. No need for visualizers, guessing and waiting what might happen.
* No hassle with aligning of nodes and no crossing node connection wires all over your screen. Just drag and drop your node where you want it and it will snap in place.
* One powerful workflow to create a complete terrain with height-maps, splat texturing, color-maps, placing vegetation and objects.
* Advanced presets. Uses Unity's drag and drop prefab system to save/load presets which can be a node, a layer or an entire layer group.
* Biomes, unlimited freedom with the amount of nodes, groups and levels. Each group/level can be masked, transformed, cloned and saved/loaded with drag and drop. Which makes it possible to create terrains within your terrain.
* Terrains are fully scale-able and expandable. TC2 generates in world space. So no matter how you position the terrains or how many terrain tiles, it will always generate at the same position. So you can expand/shrink your world anytime during the workflow without the need of re-positioning or re-scaling of nodes.
* Export height-maps, splat-maps, color-maps and normal maps.
* Automatic terrain adapting based on manually placed objects. The way the terrain and spawned objects adapt is all based on how you setup the nodes with rules in TC2.
* Included complete noise library including erosion looking noises: Perlin, Billow, Multi-fractal, Cell noise, IQ, Swiss, Jordan and Random with each many variations.
* Many node rules like height, angle, splatmap, collision, convexity, noises, mathematical shapes, images and 16 bit raw images.
* Mathematical shapes: Circle, gradient, rectangle and constant.
* Can be used in runtime and generates ultra fast, needs DirectX11 or Metal.
* Included source code with clean C# code. Each node type and node groups have its own GameObject with attached script and can be easily modified in run-time.
* Advanced and easy to use stamp node, and includes high resolution stamps.
* Image node for using images for input and masks.
* Mesh collision detect system that is independent of physics colliders and is pixel accurate.
* Global seed and a seed on many levels for the procedural noises to create randomized terrain.
* RTPv3 integration with auto color-map and normal-map assigning.
* Node window uses culling and can contain a huge amount of nodes. What is not on the screen is not drawn.


* 包括许多示例和预设。

* 开箱即支持多地形瓦片,TC2 将其视为一个地形。

* 基于节点的线性图形用户界面。专为用户友好性、简洁性、概览和缩放能力而设计。对于初学者来说,它简单易学,而对于专家和艺术家来说,操作起来则轻而易举。

* 类似文件夹的图层系统,与 Photoshop 的图层系统类似。

* 先进的遮罩功能,可在图层和图层组上使用无限量的遮罩。

* 利用最新的 GPU 技术提供实时效果。无需使用可视化器,也无需猜测和等待可能发生的情况。

* 无需对齐节点,也无需将节点连接线布满整个屏幕。只需将节点拖放到您想要的位置,它就会自动就位。

* 一个功能强大的工作流程即可创建完整的地形,包括高度贴图、溅射纹理、色彩贴图、植被和物体的放置。

* 高级预设。使用 Unity 的拖放预设系统来保存/加载预设,预设可以是一个节点、一个图层或整个图层组。

* 生物群落,节点、群组和层级数量自由度无限。每个组/层都可以通过拖放进行遮蔽、转换、克隆和保存/加载。这使得在地形中创建地形成为可能。

* 地形可完全缩放和扩展。TC2 在世界空间中生成。因此,无论你如何定位地形或有多少地形砖,它都会在相同的位置生成。因此您

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-6-13 14:31:51
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