场景&道具 【更新】Fantasy Castles Pack 1.2幻想城堡

插件名称: Fantasy Castles Pack
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/fantasy-castles-pack-117859
版本: 1.2
素材类型: 场景&道具

This package is made up of a large selection of unique styles for the creation of fantasy castles.
The main 2 builds are Human and High Elves!
- Adds 261 Modular Prefabs, consisting of Wood Scaffolding and Stone Ruins pieces!
This package is made up of 1/4 Nature, and 3/4 castle prefabs. This first release gives you *496* modular prefabs, and PBR texturing. Everything shown in the screenshots and video, is included in this package. Most of these models are low poly, with LODs included as needed.

Fantasy Castles features hundreds of pieces to create detailed scenery environments, from castle structures, to forests, to towns. This initial release give you a lot to play with, and more updates will be available in time! These models are exterior only models, great for quickly decorating your scenes.

First Release Content:
- 29 banners
- 27 bridge structures
- 16 props
- 8 Colosseum models
- 90 modular Elven tower pieces
- 6 castle entrance modules
- 17 fountains, and pedestals
- 10 Castle Keep models
- 31 pillars and posts, 1 railing
- 46 Towers and Gatehouses
- 57 modular Human tower pieces
- 10 town towers
- 33 castle wall pieces
- 28 modular castle wall pieces
- 10 exterior only houses
- 11 1-sided cliffs
- 39 rocks and boulders
- 12 huge earth chunks
- 8 floating rocks
- 3 bushes
- 3 forest trees
- 2 small trees, and two town modules
Extra features:
**All castle pieces share the same 2 textures. Either the Humans or Elves material can be used for both. By combining more of whats already set, you can almost double the amount of content included!

**All rocks share an advanced Shader that give the illusion for grass or moss. Most of these can be rotated as needed, keeping the grassy look always on the top of the surface. This is great for multi use of the same rock with different orientations. You can easily change the texture for your choosing, for a dirt effect, or even snow!

**Castle Roofs have an emissive texture on them. Giving you the option to alter their colors, if you want different coloring for both the Human and Elves materials.

**Banners that are 1-sided, can be easily set-up for use with Unity's cloth effects. These banners also use a Shader that projects the image on both sides.

主要的 2 个版本是人类和高等精灵!
- 增加了 261 个模块化预制件,包括木制脚手架和石质废墟!
此包由 1/4 自然和 3/4 城堡预制件组成。此首次发布为您提供 *496* 个模块化预制件和 PBR 纹理。屏幕截图和视频中显示的所有内容都包含在此包中。这些模型大部分都是低多边形,并根据需要包含 LOD。


- 29 面旗帜
- 27 座桥梁结构
- 16 个道具
- 8 个斗兽场模型
- 90 个模块化精灵塔部件
- 6 个城堡入口模块
- 17 个喷泉和基座
- 10 个城堡主楼模型
- 31 个柱子和柱子,1 个栏杆
- 46 个塔楼和门楼
- 57 个模块化人类塔部件
- 10 个城镇塔楼
- 33 个城堡墙部件
- 28 个模块化城堡墙部件
- 10 座仅外部房屋
- 11 个单面悬崖
- 39 块岩石和巨石
- 12 块巨大的土块
- 8 块漂浮的岩石
- 3 棵灌木丛
- 3 棵森林树木
- 2 棵小树和 2 个城镇模块
**所有城堡部件共享相同的 2 个纹理。人类或精灵材料可用于两者。通过组合更多已设置的内容,您几乎可以将包含的内容量翻倍!



**单面横幅可以轻松设置为与 Unity 的布料效果一起使用。这些横幅还使用在两面投射图像的着色器。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-6-14 12:28:11
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