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CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM 0.4.3 下载链接
CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM 0.8.4 下载链接
CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM is a tool designed to make adding complex behaviour for AI entities as frictionless as possible and allowing for quick iteration improving development speed. This system was designed for RPG and city building settings but could be used in a host of other settings. With an easy to learn but in-depth Job System, any user will be able to develop complex behaviours quickly and breathe life into your scenes.
Design your AI flows as you would break down a role in real life
Create your NPCs flows using similar terminology as you would in real life. Unlike traditional finite state machines where you are translating the actions into a technical setup, with the CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM sections have already been broken down into easy to understand and logical groups which are used to build the complex behaviours giving less headaches and confusions to developers and allowing for the focus to be on building the behaviours and not setting up systems to achieve this.
Detailed Need System
Design and define the needs of your NPCs within your worlds, do they need sleep, food, to socialise or whatever else you want to add. State ways they can fulfil those Needs and step back and watch. Within CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM you will see the NPCs doing their normal day-to-day tasks interrupted realistically by needs they have to fulfil. This brings more layers to them and make your worlds more convincing and realistic.
No Need to Know how to Code
Simply add the product to your project and use the built in menus and flowchart editor to design and create your behaviours. Everything needed to make complex behaviours can be achieved with drag and drop. Any problems, reach out on Discord or check out the Wiki for help.
Bring life into your Game Worlds
Quickly and effortlessly bring movement and dynamism into your worlds with an easy to setup system with layers of depth. Create complex bustling Ports or even a Hermit up in the mountains, this system can cover all civil manners. No need to work out how many people would be a realsitic amount, CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM popluates the world based on places to live and jobs that exist meaning the amount of people lines up with the world space.
Speed and Iteration
Remove the pain of hand writing unique behaviours for you NPC's. Use the built in Node Editor to quickly map out and design your behaviours and watch them fold out in real time with ease in the editor.
Depth of Actions
The system is designed to cover as many cases as possible in creating behaviours for civil settings, being that shop keepers, trading caverns or builders. All can be made with this straight forward system.
Designed with Additions in Mind
Developed with the idea of allowing for growth of the product both from an official and personal capacity. The system allows for easy defined edges of systems making it easy to understand what each component is responsible for what and how to add in more bespoke behaviours. The Wiki also has the addition of step-by-step guides for switching out sections of the system.
Built In Integrations
Built in plug and play support for ‘A* Pathfinding Project’ and ‘Agents Navigation’ simply import and select within settings to get going, no need for code changes or edits. Support is also coming for more tools and products in the future.
Robustness and Support
Implemented with modern practices and with the main goal of providing ease of use and reliability to your project’s developments. Automated testing to make sure functionality works and will always work as intended with each release. Professional support and feature request channels, giving you access and visibility of changes which are coming and support issues that are being worked on. Graceful failing with logging has also been implemented meaning if something goes wrong, you’ll have a refence to which NPC had the issue, along with what section failed.
Possible Use Cases:
RPG Game Worlds
City Builders
Easy to setup (Automatic setup buttons)
Quick to pick up Designer with lots of depth
Fast iteration and design of day-to-day tasks
Style your NPC's based on Jobs and Regions
Increase performance by using regions to group NPC's
Documentation linked throughout the Developer tools within Unity itself
Basic Animation System Setup and ready to go
Mounting System included for allowing use of transportation (Supports waiting for others)
Quiet failing designed (Errors will be logged in the console but will keep running)
Pause Feature allows for the easy addition of Dialogue Systems
Deep Control over flow system with a powerful Iterator System with a range of modes
Need System which allows for defining importance and how to fufil them
Powerful Ownership System which facilates more complex behaviours
Weighting System giving more fine control over behaviours
Room System allowing for more belivable and resuable spaces
Item Iteractor System allowing for condtional situations
Prepopulate your worl
CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM 是一种工具,旨在使为 AI 实体添加复杂行为尽可能顺畅,并允许快速迭代以提高开发速度。该系统专为 RPG 和城市建设环境而设计,但可用于许多其他环境。通过易于学习但深入的工作系统,任何用户都能够快速开发复杂的行为并为您的场景注入活力。
像分解现实生活中的角色一样设计您的 AI 流程
使用与现实生活中类似的术语创建您的 NPC 流程。与传统的有限状态机不同,您将操作转换为技术设置,而 CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM 部分已被分解为易于理解和逻辑化的组,用于构建复杂的行为,从而减少开发人员的麻烦和困惑,并允许将重点放在构建行为上,而不是设置系统来实现这一点。
设计和定义您世界中的 NPC 的需求,他们是需要睡眠、食物、社交还是其他您想添加的东西。说明他们可以满足这些需求的方式,然后退后一步观察。在 CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM 中,您将看到 NPC 正在执行他们正常的日常任务,但现实中却被他们必须满足的需求所打断。这为他们带来了更多层次,让您的世界更加令人信服和逼真。
只需将产品添加到您的项目中,并使用内置菜单和流程图编辑器来设计和创建您的行为。制作复杂行为所需的一切都可以通过拖放来实现。如有任何问题,请联系 Discord 或查看 Wiki 寻求帮助。
使用易于设置的深度层次系统,快速轻松地为您的世界带来运动和活力。创建复杂繁华的港口,甚至是山上的隐士,这个系统可以涵盖所有文明礼仪。无需计算实际人数,CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM 根据居住地和现有工作来填充世界,这意味着人数与世界空间一致。
消除为 NPC 手写独特行为的痛苦。使用内置节点编辑器快速规划和设计您的行为,并在编辑器中轻松实时观看它们展开。
开发时考虑到允许从官方和个人角度发展产品。该系统允许轻松定义系统的边缘,从而轻松了解每个组件负责什么以及如何添加更多定制行为。Wiki 还增加了用于切换系统部分的分步指南。
内置即插即用支持“A* 寻路项目”和“代理导航”,只需在设置中导入和选择即可开始,无需更改或编辑代码。未来还将为更多工具和产品提供支持。
采用现代实践实施,主要目标是为您的项目开发提供易用性和可靠性。 自动测试以确保功能正常运行,并且每次发布时始终按预期运行。 专业支持和功能请求渠道,让您可以访问和查看即将发生的更改以及正在处理的支持问题。 还实现了优雅的日志记录失败,这意味着如果出现问题,您将可以参考哪个 NPC 遇到了问题,以及哪个部分失败了。
RPG 游戏世界
根据工作和区域设计您的 NPC
通过使用区域对 NPC 进行分组来提高性能
文档链接到 Unity 本身的开发人员工具中