纹理材质 【更新】Clean & Minimalist GUI Pack 3.0.3 用户界面

插件名称: Clean & Minimalist GUI Pack
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/clean-minimalist-gui-pack-75123
版本: 3.0.3
素材类型: 纹理材质
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-10 17:17 编辑

Clean & Minimalist GUI Pack 1.0版下载链接

Unity 最简洁易用的 GUI 资源包。如果你在寻找资源商店上 UI 极简主义革命的发起者,你已经找到了。

这一极干净简约的 GUI 资源包是一款适合移动设备使用的游戏 UI 资源包,其中包含许多图标和元素,可用于创建具有简洁风格的完整游戏 UI。

- 深色皮肤
- 浅色皮肤
- 黑色皮肤

• 包括 3 种皮肤:深色、浅色和黑色。
• A clean and professional design that make the pack ready to be used in any kind of games.
• 包括 500 多个图标和元素。
• 易于定制的颜色、风格和尺寸。
• 9-sliced sprite borders which allows you to scale images up or down without distorting its geometry.
• 15 种不同的背景颜色变体。
• XBox One、PS4、Steam 和 PC 游戏手柄按钮图标包含 2 种风格:暗色和亮色。
• HTC Vive VR 游戏手柄图标包含 6 种风格。
•Oculus Rift 和 Remote VR 游戏手柄图标包含4种风格。
• 适用于移动设备。可用于纵向和横向。
• 包含音效。
• 包含动画。
• 矢量的。SVG 和分层的 Photoshop。包括 PSD 图标。
• 分层的 Photoshop。随附的 PSD 展示模型可用于您可能需要的任何高级自定义。

Unity's cleanest and easiest to use GUI resource kit. If you're looking for the initiator of the UI minimalism revolution on the resource store, you've found it.

This extremely clean and minimalist GUI repository is a game UI repository for mobile devices that contains many icons and elements that can be used to create a complete game UI with a clean style.

- Dark Skin
- Light Skin
- Black Skin

- Includes 3 skins: dark, light and black.
- A clean and professional design that make the pack ready to be used in any kind of games.
- Includes over 500 icons and elements.
- Easy to customize colors, styles and sizes.
- 9-sliced sprite borders which allows you to scale images up or down without distorting its geometry.
- 15 different background color variants.
- XBox One, PS4, Steam and PC gamepad button icons include 2 styles: dark and light.
- HTC Vive VR gamepad icons include 6 styles.
-Oculus Rift and Remote VR gamepad icons include 4 styles.
- Suitable for mobile devices. Available in portrait and landscape.
- Includes sound effects.
- Includes sound effects. Includes animations.
- Vector. svg and layered Photoshop. psd icons included. layered Photoshop.
- Layered Photoshop. the included PSD display model can be used for any advanced customization you may need.

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-6-26 11:13:07
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