着色/阴影 【更新】GrassFlow DX11 Grass Shader 1.85

插件名称: GrassFlow DX11 Grass Shader
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/grassflow-dx11-grass-shader-142736
版本: 1.85
素材类型: 着色/阴影
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-10 17:09 编辑

GrassFlow:DX11 Grass Shader 系列索引:

GrassFlow:DX11 Grass Shader 1.69  下载链接
GrassFlow:DX11 Grass Shader 1.82  下载链接
GrassFlow : DX11 Grass Shader 1.84  下载链接

~Simple but strong editing tools to let you create grass the way you want and paint color and grass parameters for perfect artistic control right from the editor just like the Unity terrain tools. Even supports undo/redo!
~Supports grass texture atlas and you can paint density of individual textures to lay out your grass as you please.
~Can be attached to meshes or Unity terrain with terrain layer/splat map support.
~Grass properties can be easily changed at runtime to allow for interactivity, ex: players can flatten grass by any means. Also includes a system of creating ripple effects for gently (or no so gently) pushing the grass around.
~Automatically normalize mesh density to avoid remeshing.
~Grass can have multiple segments and bend in the wind and by being pushed.
~URP version of the shader included.
~Deferred version of the shader included.
~Cast and receive shadows, supporting semi transparent textures.
~Baked 3D noise allows for dynamic and evolving wind effects.
~Bake an optimized version of your mesh with triangles only where you want grass.
~Dynamic LOD system that decreases grass in the distance while scaling it to fill in the gaps a bit and smoothly fading in-between the LOD steps.
~Use of asynchronous multithreading in key areas to speed up loading and rendering.
~Supports multiple Unity lights.
~Versatile, can be used as a more traditional billboard renderer with enhanced features or used in any way you see fit.
~Custom inspectors that makes it easy to edit all the settings you need and has descriptive tooltips for every option.
~Example scenes are provided that show how to set up and interface with GrassFlow. Even comes with a cute little hand painted house model, bonus!
~Source code available if you fancy.

~简单但功能强大的编辑工具,可让您按照自己的方式创建草地,并像使用 Unity 地形工具一样,通过编辑器直接绘制颜色和草地参数,实现完美的艺术控制。甚至还支持撤销/重做!
~可连接到网格或 Unity 地形,支持地形层/拼接图。
~URP 版本的着色器已包含在内。
~烘焙的 3D 噪音可实现动态和不断变化的风力效果。
~动态 LOD 系统可减少远处的草地,同时缩放草地以填补空隙,并在 LOD 步骤之间平滑淡入淡出。
~支持多个 Unity 灯光。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-6-28 14:53:25
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