脚本/功能 【更新】VertPaint 1.1.2

插件名称: VertPaint
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/painting/vertpaint-100282
版本: 1.1.2
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-10 16:40 编辑

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VertPaint is a simple little tool for painting vertex colors onto the meshes in your scenes.

You can paint, erase, modify, fill and invert the vertex colors of a mesh with intuitive controls and good performance. The VertPaint window includes tooltips for all of its settings, as well as a detailed help section (in form of a foldout at the top) containing more information about the controls and general usage of VertPaint.

But VertPaint isn't just a raw vertex color painting utility (although you can use it as one if you want to), it also ships with a nice set of custom vertex color blending shaders that vary from simple 2-way blends to complex height-based 4-way blends. These allow you to achieve advanced material blending fx as seen in the screenshots.

Also included is a generic shader prep utility useful for repacking your textures to comply to the VertPaint shader configuration (or any shader setup for that matter).

If you happen to like one or more brush configurations in particular, you can save out the entire VertPaint settings to reusable, well-formatted template files on disk. Loading templates is as easy as just dragging and dropping them into the field. There's even a favorites list that allows you to keep track of the templates you use most and integrate them into your workflow for quick access.

The entire source code is included and written in simple, well commented C# for you to read, understand, modify and/or extend. It features detailed and extensive xml documentation that is fully compatible with IntelliSense.

VertPaint 是一款简单的小工具,用于在场景中的网格上绘制顶点颜色。

您可以绘制、擦除、修改、填充和反转网格的顶点颜色,控制直观,性能良好。VertPaint 窗口包括所有设置的工具提示,以及详细的帮助部分(顶部的折页形式),其中包含有关 VertPaint 控制和一般使用的更多信息。

VertPaint 不仅仅是一个原始的顶点颜色绘制工具(当然,如果你愿意,也可以把它当作一个工具来使用),它还附带了一套不错的自定义顶点颜色混合着色器,从简单的 2 向混合到复杂的基于高度的 4 向混合。这些着色器可以让你实现截图中的高级材质混合效果。

此外,该软件还包含一个通用着色器预处理工具,可用于重新打包纹理,以符合 VertPaint 着色器配置(或任何着色器设置)。

如果您碰巧特别喜欢一种或多种笔刷配置,可以将整个 VertPaint 设置保存到磁盘上可重复使用、格式良好的模板文件中。加载模板非常简单,只需将它们拖放到字段中即可。甚至还有一个收藏夹列表,让你可以跟踪你最常用的模板,并将它们整合到你的工作流程中,以便快速访问。

整个源代码都包含在内,并以简单、注释清楚的 C# 编写,方便你阅读、理解、修改和/或扩展。它具有详细而广泛的 xml 功能。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-7-1 12:18:43
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