编辑器拓展 【更新】Mega Scatter 1.50

插件名称: Mega Scatter
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/mega-scatter-14954
版本: 1.50
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-10 16:18 编辑

Mega Scatter 系列索引:

Mega Scatter 1.11  下载链接
Mega Scatter 1.26  下载链接

MegaScatter is a procedural object placer which gives you great freedom to create complex detailed scenes using a fraction of the memory of normal object placement for smaller file sizes and faster load times. Objects can be scattered using splines or textures to control the areas and the layer based mesh system gives you total control over the scattering process. Objects can be scattered in Editor mode or at runtime with complete scripting API to control all aspects of the system. Meshes can be combined to reduce draw calls for even greater performance. Complete spline system also included. Works on all versions of Unity and all platforms and is compatible with versions of Unity from 5.0 through to 2023 and Unity 6.

MegaScatter Features:
- Massively reduces your game file size
- Reduces level loading times
- Runtime scatter options
- Rescatter at any time
- Use to adapt your scene complexity based on device
- Have multiple scatter scenarios to quickly change your levels, ideal for seasons.
- 6 Different scatter layer options to choose from
- Use textures to mask areas for scattering
- Option for simple proxy meshes for colliders
- Will avoid scattering on or near selected objects
- Add noise to your objects to vary your meshes
- Full control over variations of color, size, rotation on scatters
- Set slope limits to stop scattering on steep slopes
- Automatically align scattered objects with whats under them
- Includes MegaShapes Lite, our Bezier spline system
- Import splines from Maya, Max or Blender
- Import SVG, OSM or KML files
- Full spline to mesh options
- MegaScatter API to allow easy control from scripts

MegaScatter 是一款程序化对象放置程序,它能让你自由地创建复杂精细的场景,使用的内存仅为普通对象放置程序的一小部分,文件大小更小,加载速度更快。对象可以使用花键或纹理来控制散布区域,基于层的网格系统可让你完全控制散布过程。对象可以在编辑器模式下分散,也可以在运行时通过完整的脚本 API 控制系统的各个方面。网格可以合并,以减少绘制调用,从而获得更高的性能。还包括完整的样条线系统。可在所有版本的 Unity 和所有平台上运行,并兼容 Unity 5.0 至 2023 版和 Unity 6。

MegaScatter 功能
- 大幅减少游戏文件大小
- 减少关卡加载时间
- 运行时散布选项
- 随时重新散布
- 根据设备调整场景复杂度
- 拥有多个分散场景,可快速改变关卡,是季节性游戏的理想选择。
- 6 种不同的散射层选项可供选择
- 使用纹理遮蔽散射区域
- 为碰撞器提供简单的代理网格选项
- 避免在选定的物体上或附近产生散射
- 为物体添加噪音,以改变网格效果
- 完全控制散点的颜色、大小和旋转变化
- 设置坡度限制,阻止陡坡上的散射
- 自动将散射物体与其下方的物体对齐
- 包括 MegaShapes Lite,我们的贝塞尔样条系统
- 导入直线

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-7-1 16:01:34
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