场景&道具 【更新】3D Roguelike RPG Complete Kit for Mobile and PC TPS, Enemy AI 2.1

插件名称: 3D Roguelike RPG Complete Kit for Mobile and PC TPS, Enemy AI, Puzzle and Props
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/3d-roguelike-rpg-complete-kit-for-mobile-and-pc-tps-enemy-ai-puz-249430
版本: 2.1
素材类型: 场景&道具
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2025-2-20 13:43 编辑

3D Roguelike RPG Complete Kit for Mobile and PC TPS 3.0版下载链接

Ready to customize and publish 3D Roguelike and RPG Game Kit. Enemy AI, Dungeon Environment Props, Potions, Chests, Puzzles, Traps, Sound Effects, TPS Camera and many more. Both Mobile and PC Inputs are supported!

You can create your own Roguelike or RPG game easily for both Mobile or PC platforms withouth knowing Programming Language. All prefabs and modules are ready to use. All meshes are optimized and animations, particles are included.

You can view all the features of the asset listed below:
- TPS Camera: Configurable, Easy to use TPS Camera. You can modify angle and distance.
- Third Person Controller: Ready to use Third Person Controller. Jump, Swim, Run, Sprint, etc...
- Both Mobile and PC Inputs: You can create your Roguelike and RPG game for both Mobile and PC Platforms because it supports both Mobile and PC Inputs.
- Weapons: Three types of Weapons are ready to use. Axe, Sword and Shield.
- Enemy AI (Meele): Meele type Enemy AI. Supports Attacking, Patrolling. (All Custom Animations are included).
- Enemy AI (Archer): Range type Enemy AI. Supports Attacking, Patrolling. (All Custom Animations are included).
- Many Dungeon Props: Lots of Dungeon props and prefabs. You can decorate your own game by using them easily.
- Puzzles: Ready to use puzzles like finding keys, mirror light reflecting.
- Traps: Lots of traps like Moving Saws, Rounding Nails, Shaking Axes, Ground Spears, etc...
- Fighting Mechanics: Ready to use Fighting Mechanics.
- Lift System: If your map has got floors, you can use lift system.
- Doors and Key Mechanics: Locked Doors, Finding key and unlocking door system.
- Chest System: Opening chests and looting from chests.
- Blood Particlesand Ragdolls: Ready to use Ragdolls for enemies or your hero. Blood system for enemies.
- UI System (Game Over, Game Pause): You can use UI elements and prefabs in your game. They are already implemented and ready to use.
- Explosive Barrels: Explosive Barrels explode if you get close too much to them. They can give you damage or you can use them to explode the doors.

可随时定制和发布的 3D Roguelike 和 RPG 游戏套件。支持敌人 AI、地下城环境道具、药水、箱子、谜题、陷阱、音效、TPS 摄像机等。支持手机和电脑输入!

无需掌握编程语言,您就可以在手机或电脑平台上轻松创建自己的 Roguelike 或 RPG 游戏。所有预制件和模块都可直接使用。所有网格都经过优化,并包含动画和粒子。

- TPS 摄像机: 可配置、易于使用的 TPS 摄像机。您可以修改角度和距离。
- 第三人称控制器: 随时可用的第三人称控制器。跳跃、游泳、奔跑、冲刺......等等。
- 手机和电脑输入: 您可以在手机和电脑平台上创建 Roguelike 和 RPG 游戏,因为它同时支持手机和电脑输入。
- 武器 三种武器可供使用。斧头、剑和盾牌。
- 敌人 AI(Meele): Meele 类型的敌人 AI。支持攻击、巡逻。(包含所有自定义动画)。
- 敌人 AI(弓箭手): 射程型敌人 AI。支持攻击、巡逻。(包含所有自定义动画)。
- 众多地下城道具: 大量地下城道具和预制件。您可以轻松使用它们来装饰自己的游戏。
- 谜题 随时可用的谜题,如找钥匙、镜面反射等。
- 陷阱 大量陷阱,如移动锯、圆钉、摇晃斧、地矛等。
- 格斗技巧 随时可用的格斗机制。
- 升降系统 如果您的地图有

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-7-9 10:36:08
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