脚本/功能 【更新】Realistic Car Controller Pro 1.48.0

插件名称: Realistic Car Controller Pro
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/realistic-car-controller-pro-178967
版本: 1.48.0
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-23 15:31 编辑

Realistic Car Controller Pro 系列索引:

Realistic Car Controller Pro 1.42.0  下载链接
Realistic Car Controller Pro 1.44.0  下载链接

Realistic Car Controller Pro will give you ability to customize engine, clutch, gearbox, differential, axles, wheels, and all other systems individually. The main controller component of Realistic Car Controller (RCC_CarControllerV3.cs) was managing all major components in one single script. Pro version gives you ability to customize each system individually with modular components.

[Leading Features]
  • Compatible with Unity 2021.3.2f1 and newer versions,
  • Automatic asset installation that covers configuration of layers, symbols, and project settings.
  • 12 completely configured vehicle prefabs ready to use,
  • Attachable and detachable modular components,
  • One click vehicle setup wizard (If you choose automatic installation, just selecting wheel models would be enough),
  • Advanced vehicle setup wizard (Manual mode),
  • Quick vehicle setup wizard (Automatic mode)
  • Demo scenes (City, vehicle selection, damage, multiplayer, enter/exit, and more...)
  • Both input systems are supported (New input system, and old legacy input system),
  • Cameras with multiple modes (TPS, FPS, exterior, fixed, cinematic, top-down, orbit),
  • Complete UI with options menu and mobile controllers (Buttons, gyro, steering wheel, and joystick),
  • Lighting, behavior modes, damage, exhausts, AI, nos, interior management, recorders, trailers, enter/exit, and more...
  • Demo managers to spawn new vehicles, change behaviors, settings, customizations, and showcase of all features of the RCCP.
  • Simplified API to spawn and manage RCCP vehicles at runtime with only one line of code.
  • Simplified vehicle customizer to customize and manage RCCP vehicles at runtime with only one line of code (cambers, suspensions, wheels, configuration, etc...).
  • Optimized damage on collisions (Mesh deformation, part damage & detachment, wheel damage & detachment, light damage),
  • Variable ground physics (Works with any colliders, including terrains),
  • Car body shader with flakes and rim (URP supported),
  • Photon PUN 2 integration (Demo scenes for lobby, room listing, create / join rooms, etc...),
  • Mirror integration (Only vehicle sync),
  • ProFlares integration,
  • 178 runtime scripts have been managed by 42 editor scripts,
  • Over 50000 lines of code,
  • 12 years old asset that have been used over 4500 projects,
  • Ability to use in a very wide range,
  • Easy to use, and highly customizable,
  • With more than 65 pages of documentation,
  • Lifetime support.

Realistic Car Controller Pro可让您单独定制发动机、离合器、变速箱、差速器、车轴、车轮和所有其他系统。Realistic Car Controller 的主控制器组件(RCC_CarControllerV3.cs)可在一个脚本中管理所有主要组件。专业版可让您使用模块化组件单独定制每个系统。


  • 兼容Unity 2021.3.2f1 及更新版本、
  • 自动安装资产,包括图层、符号和项目设置的配置。
  • 12 个完全配置好的车辆预制件,可随时使用、
  • 可连接和拆卸的模块化组件、
  • 一键式车辆设置向导(如果选择自动安装,只需选择车轮型号即可)、
  • 高级车辆设置向导(手动模式)、
  • 快速车辆设置向导(自动模式)
  • 演示场景(城市、车辆选择、损坏、多人游戏、进入/退出等等)
  • 支持两种输入系统(新输入系统和旧输入系统)、
  • 多种模式的摄像头(TPS、FPS、外部、固定、电影、自上而下、轨道)、
  • 带有选项菜单和移动控制器(按钮、陀螺仪、方向盘和操纵杆)的完整用户界面、
  • 照明、行为模式、伤害、排气、AI、NOS、内部管理、记录器、拖车、进入/退出等功能
  • 演示管理器用于生成新车辆、更改行为、设置、自定义以及展示 RCCP 的所有功能。
  • 简化的 API,只需一行代码即可在运行时生成和管理 RCCP 车辆。
  • 简化的车辆定制器,只需一行代码即可在运行时定制和管理 RCCP 车辆(弯道、悬挂、车轮、配置等......)。
  • 优化的碰撞损坏(网格变形、部件损坏和脱落、车轮损坏和脱落、轻度损坏)、
  • 可变地面物理效果(可与任何碰撞器配合使用,包括地形)、
  • 带薄片和轮辋的车身着色器(支持 URP)、
  • Photon PUN 2 集成(大厅演示场景、房间列表、创建/加入房间等)、
  • 镜像集成(仅车辆同步)、
  • ProFlares 集成、
  • 178 个运行时脚本由 42 个编辑器脚本管理、
  • 超过 50000 行代码、
  • 拥有 12 年历史的资产,已用于 4500 多个项目、
  • 使用范围非常广泛、
  • 易于使用,高度可定制、
  • 超过 65 页的文档、
  • 终身支持。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-7-19 12:40:59
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