脚本/功能 【更新】Game Creator 2 2.16.50

插件名称: Game Creator 2
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/game-creator-2-203069#releases
版本: 2.16.50
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-10-28 16:36 编辑

Game Creator系列插件:

Game Creator 1.1.8  下载链接
Game Creator 1.1.9  下载链接
Game Creator 1.1.11  下载链接
Game Creator 1.1.12  下载链接
Game Creator 1.1.13  下载链接
Game Creator 1.1.15   下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.0.12  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.3.15  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.6.21  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.6.23  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.6.25  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.6.27  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.7.28  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.8.31  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.9.35  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.9.39  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.11.41  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.11.42  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.12.42  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.13.44  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.13.45  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.14.47  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.14.48  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.15.49  下载链接
Game Creator 2 2.17.51  下载链接

Game Creator is a collection of intuitive and powerful tools that speed up your workflow so you focus on what really matters: Making games
Note that this package is in Beta and is not compatible with the original modules
Game Creator is a complete tools suite that will help you kickstart your game in a matter of minutes. It empowers artists, designers and programmers with the necessary tools to create games without having to write a single line of code.
Comes with an intuitive and powerful high-level Visual Scripting system that making games feels like cheating:
Actions are lists of instructions that are executed from top to bottom.
Triggers listen to events and react by executing instructions
Conditions let you branch to different instructions depending on the context

Creating Characters is just a couple of clicks away. Drag and drop your own custom 3D model and press the play button. Supports multiple control schemas and controllers.
Frame what happens in the scene using the brand new Cameras. Transition between them and choose from a wide variety of shots, including static, animated, first and third person, top-down and much more!
Keep track of what happens in the world using Global and Local Variables. Choose between two types:

Name Variables are identified by a unique name. For example, use "score" to access the current tally.
List Variables stack elements one after the another and can be accessed using an index number. Useful to gather information about the scene, such as targetable enemies or resources gathered.

Defining what data should be Saved and Loaded between play sessions has never been easier. The Remember component allows to cherry-pick what information should be stored when the player saves the game. You can also choose to save multiple save slots!

Game Creator Hub
Do you need more? Something more specific? Open the Game Creator Hub to download hundreds of free Instructions, Conditions and Events. Made with <3 by awesome community members!
Do you know how to code? Create your own custom extensions and share them with everyone else!

To top all that, you can also download free extensions that enhance Game Creator 2 with even more features and allows to seamlessly integrate it with other tools.

Source code
Examples & Templates
Access to the Game Creator Hub
Note that Game Creator 2 supports Unity 2021.2 or higher

Game Creator 集合了一系列直观而强大的工具,可加快你的工作流程,让你专注于真正重要的事情: 制作游戏
Game Creator 是一个完整的工具套件,可帮助您在几分钟内启动游戏。它为艺术家、设计师和程序员提供了创建游戏所需的工具,无需编写任何代码。


只需点击几下,即可创建角色。拖放你自己的自定义 3D 模型并按下播放按钮即可。支持多种控制模式和控制器。

名称变量由一个唯一的名称标识。例如,使用 "score "来访问当前的统计结果。
定义在游戏会话之间应保存和加载的数据从未如此简单。记住 "组件允许在玩家保存游戏时挑选应存储的信息。您还可以选择保存多个保存槽!

您需要更多信息吗?更具体的东西?打开 Game Creator Hub,下载数以百计的免费说明、条件和事件。这些都是由出色的社区成员用 <3 制作的!

除此之外,您还可以下载免费的扩展程序,这些扩展程序可增强 Game Creator 2 的功能,并允许将其与其他工具无缝集成。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-8-2 15:33:09
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