Animation Preview for Unity allows you to get an idea about how a character looks like in your scene in different poses. You get an overview of all the animations available for a character or you could just mix a specific character with animations of another asset.
What Animation Preview is
The core features of Animation Preview
Play animations in the Unity Editor scene without having to hit play
Show a list of animations of the controller
Step through each animation and visualize them
Quickly open a clip in the project hierarchy, i. e. jump to the animation source
Log the clips in the console to get a list of available animations
What this is not
Animation Preview works on models and the animations that come with them or with animations of other assets. Playing animations that contain eg blends and logic isn’t in the scope of Animation Preview.
Showcase Videos and Screenshots
The videos and screenshots are examples of previews put into scene. In case you are interested the descriptions of the videos contain information about which assets were used.