photogrammetry and properly optimized assets for games - over 650 assets
daylighting scenario with standard lighting pipeline and Lumen to show different uses of assets
best quality maps ready to use in your games and films
Number of Unique Meshes: more then 400 and with variations over 650 assets
Collision: Yes - mostly automatically generated
Vertex Count: around 400-8000 triangles.
LODs: Yes - mostly automatically generated
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 486(almost all base on 13 base materials easy to control)
Number of Textures: 840
Texture Resolutions:
4096 most of objects
2048-4096 most props
1024-2048 small props
Terrain assets: 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms: Desktop, VR
Windows: Yes
Mac: Should work like our other packages
Documentation: Link
Important/Additional Notes:
For Sky-textures we used great CC0 free textures from PolyHaven: LINK
This pack includes a mannequin by Epic Games for presentation.