代码插件 Able Ability System 3.85适配UE5.1-UE5.0.3

插件名称: Able Ability System
官网地址: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/product/able-ability-system
版本: 3.85
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 代码插件

Able is an engine plugin, written in C++, for Unreal Engine 4. In Able, Abilities are created from various actions called Tasks. Tasks are then assembled together in the Ability Editor. The Ability Editor is an intuitive, easy-to-use editor that lets anyone quickly setup an Ability and preview it at any point in time, adjusting Tasks as needed and even allowing frame by frame stepping of an Ability.

Able is multi-threaded and platform agnostic, allowing for creators to focus on content creation and not platform support or performance. Able also supports UE4’s built-in profiler for anyone who wishes to fine-tune their performance and offers tools for content creators to estimate their cost – as well as unit tests to help catch data errors early.

Able also supports networking content out of the box, and uses a secure/efficient bandwidth client-server model to Abilities responsive and fair.

Able also uses the power of Blueprints to give even more customization to creators by allowing scripters to adjust and write Ability specific logic. C++ Engineers can quickly add more Tasks, unit tests, and Ability Editor customization through the Able API. Not good with Blueprints or C++? Don’t worry, Able lets you construct Abilities without touching either and both will be there if you ever need them.
Able is intended for all Platforms tested on PC/PS4/XB1/PS5.
3+ Years of updates and support - Able keeps getting better!

Technical Details
• Written entirely in C++.
• Multicore/Async support for Ability execution, Cooldowns, and various Task specific activities (e.g. Damage Calculation).
• Network supported using a secure client-server model with minimal data sent across the wire.
• Abilities are purely functional, using only small scratchpad structures, keeping memory usage lean/efficient.
• 20+ various Tasks to build your Ability with (Play Animation, Play Sound, Collision Query, Spawn Actor, Apply Damage, etc).
• 16+ Events/Methods available to Blueprints to allow further logic customization.
• Full AI Support (New AI Tasks / Decorators).
• Full Animation support (New State Node).
• Custom Editor - Ability Editor.
• Built-in Testing framework.
• Intended for all Platforms (Tested PC, XB1, PS4, PS5).
• Extendable API.
• Fully documented.

Able 是一个引擎插件,使用 C++ 编写,适用于虚幻引擎 4。在 Able 中,"能力 "是由称为 "任务 "的各种操作创建的。然后在能力编辑器中将任务组合在一起。能力编辑器是一个直观、易于使用的编辑器,任何人都可以通过它快速设置能力并在任何时间点预览它,根据需要调整任务,甚至可以对能力进行逐帧步进。

Able 具有多线程和平台无关性,使创作者能够专注于内容创作,而不是平台支持或性能。Able 还支持 UE4 的内置剖析器,可为希望微调性能的用户提供帮助,并为内容创作者提供估算成本的工具,以及帮助及早发现数据错误的单元测试。

Able 还支持开箱即用的网络内容,并使用安全/高效的带宽客户端-服务器模型,以确保 Abilities 的响应速度和公平性。

Able 还利用蓝图(Blueprints)的强大功能,允许脚本编写者调整和编写应用程序的特定逻辑,从而为创建者提供更多自定义功能。C++ 工程师可以通过 Able API 快速添加更多任务、单元测试和能力编辑器定制功能。不擅长蓝图或 C++?别担心,Able 可让您在不接触蓝图和 C++ 的情况下构建能力,如果您需要,这两种工具都会在您身边。
Able 适用于所有平台,已在 PC/PS4/XB1/PS5 上进行过测试。
3 年以上的更新和支持 - Able 将不断改进!

- 完全使用 C++ 编写。
- 多核/冗余

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-8-7 14:09:14
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