脚本/功能 【更新】DLSS - Upscaling for Unity 1.3.2

插件名称: DLSS - Upscaling for Unity
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/dlss-upscaling-for-unity-262761
版本: 1.3.2
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-8-21 09:56 编辑

DLSS - Upscaling for Unity 系列索引:

DLSS - Upscaling for Unity 1.2.3  下载链接
DLSS - Upscaling for Unity 1.2.4  下载链接
DLSS - Upscaling for Unity 1.3.0  下载链接
DLSS - Upscaling for Unity 1.3.3  下载链接

Boost your frames with DLSS Upscaling for Unity!
DLSS is an upscaling technique, creating high quality and resolution frames based on lower resolution input. By using this, your project can run in a drastically lower resolution without losing visual quality and increasing the framerate!

If your project is limited by GPU performance, DLSS will give you a higher framerate. If a project is limited by CPU performance, all it will do is make the GPU workload lower. While this may seem like a big limitation, it also means a laptop will use way less battery power when using DLSS!

Easy to use
Simply drag our DLSS component on your camera and you're all set to go!
Both Built-in and URP are a simple drag and drop.

DLSS has been extensively tested with all default Unity Post-Processing, however we can't guarentee that all custom Post-Processing assets will work out of the box. If you run into problems with custom assets, contact us and we'll see if we can help add support for it!

AAA Anti-Aliasing
DLSS features a high quality Spatial Anti-Aliasing built-in. Get rid of those jagged edges and flickering while also improving your project's performance!

Even while the asset has been rigorously tested, there are always edge cases that are difficult to foresee, please contact us if you run into any issue!

Boost even further with FSR 3 - Upscaling for Unity
Do you need upscaling for your players on AMD GPU's or other platforms? Try out our FSR 3 - Upscaling for Unity asset

Third Party Integrations / Connections
These assets have added specific support for DLSS Upscaling for Unity. Please note that these assets are not included! If you need support for these assets, please contact the original developer.

Unified Settings & Game Options UI - A settings template with one unified interface for all render pipelines (URP, HDRP, Built-in) and input systems (old and new).

使用 Unity 的 DLSS 升频技术提升帧数!
DLSS 是一种升频技术,可在较低分辨率输入的基础上创建高质量、高分辨率的帧。使用这种技术,您的项目可以在大幅降低分辨率的情况下运行,同时不会降低视觉质量并提高帧率!

如果您的项目受到 GPU 性能的限制,DLSS 将为您提供更高的帧速率。如果项目受限于 CPU 性能,它所做的只是降低 GPU 的工作量。虽然这似乎是一个很大的限制,但这也意味着使用 DLSS 时笔记本电脑的电池电量将大大减少!

只需将我们的 DLSS 组件拖到相机上,就可以开始使用了!
内置和 URP 都是简单的拖放操作。

DLSS 已与所有默认的 Unity 后处理进行了广泛测试,但我们不能保证所有自定义后处理资产都能开箱即用。如果您在使用自定义资产时遇到问题,请联系我们,我们会查看是否可以为其添加支持!

AAA 级抗锯齿
DLSS 内置高质量的空间抗锯齿功能。消除锯齿边缘和闪烁,同时提高项目性能!


使用 FSR 3 进一步提高性能--Unity 的缩放功能
您是否需要为 AMD GPU 或其他平台上的玩家进行升频?试试我们的 FSR 3 - Upscaling for Unity 资产吧

这些资产添加了对 DLSS Upscaling for Unity 的特定支持。请注意,这些资产不包括在内!如果您需要这些资产的支持,请联系原始开发者。

统一的设置和游戏选项 UI - 一个设置模板,具有适用于所有渲染管道(URP、HDRP、内置)和输入系统(新旧)的统一界面。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-8-13 15:17:49
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