编辑器拓展 【更新】Universal Vehicle Controller (Plus)1.56.01

插件名称: Universal Vehicle Controller (Plus)
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/universal-vehicle-controller-plus-176314
版本: 1.56.01
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-8-26 15:30 编辑

Universal Vehicle Controller 系列索引

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Universal Vehicle Controller (UVC) - your ultimate tool for creating high-speed racing games with great physics! Designed to cater to a wide range of racing genres, including standard racing, drift, drag, bikes, etc., UVC empowers game developers to deliver an immersive and thrilling gameplay experience.

One feature of the asset is the ability to create a simple arcade physics for cars, allowing any player to enjoy the game created with UVC, even without prior experience playing racing games. The asset is easy to configure, and the configuration process is described in the documentation.

Artificial intelligence (AI) for different game modes such as Drift, Race, and Pursuit. The asset includes a handy AI path editor. You can watch the AI demo in the video or try out the demo version of the asset with AI scenes.

Mobile projects can be easily developed with UVC. The asset contains three types of mobile input and is well optimized. You can check the optimization and controls by installing the demo version for Android.

The asset also supports add-ons such as URP, InputSystem, FMOD, Photon and Mirror multiplayer. Installation instructions can be found in the documentation.

In the Plus version you have access to:
Damage system deformation of meshes, detachable parts, breaking glass and lights, damaged wheels and engine, the damage system is well optimized and works on mobile devices.

InputSystem For convenient and universal setup of input from various devices.

FMOD For better sound quality.
The multiplayer functionality can be used by developers to create engaging racing games where players can compete with friends or other players from around the world, creating exciting racing moments and challenges. There are several options for third party plugins

Photon solution for online multiplayer. uses the PUN2 asset.
Mirror solution for online multiplayer. By default, the KCP transport is used, and you can read more about other transports on the official Mirror website.

Split-screen functionality is seamlessly supported by UVC, allowing local multiplayer where players can compete head-to-head on a single screen. The split-screen feature ensures that the excitement of racing can be shared with friends and family, fostering unforgettable moments of friendly competition and camaraderie.

Universal Vehicle Controller(UVC)--您创建具有出色物理效果的高速赛车游戏的终极工具!UVC 专为各种类型的赛车(包括标准赛车、漂移、拖曳、自行车等)而设计,使游戏开发人员能够提供身临其境、惊心动魄的游戏体验。

该资产的一个特点是可以为汽车创建简单的街机物理效果,让任何玩家都能享受用 UVC 创建的游戏,即使之前没有玩过赛车游戏。该资产易于配置,配置过程在文档中有所描述。


使用 UVC 可以轻松开发移动项目。该资产包含三种类型的移动输入,并进行了很好的优化。您可以通过安装 Android 演示版来检查优化和控制情况。

该资产还支持 URP、InputSystem、FMOD、Photon 和 Mirror 多人游戏等附加组件。安装说明可在文档中找到。

在 Plus 版本中,您可以使用
损坏系统 网面变形、可拆卸部件、玻璃和车灯破碎、车轮和引擎损坏,损坏系统经过优化,可在移动设备上运行。

输入系统 方便通用地设置各种设备的输入。

FMOD 带来更好的音质。

Photon 在线多人游戏解决方案,使用 PUN2 资产。
在线多人游戏的镜像解决方案。默认情况下使用 KCP 传输,您可以在 Mirror 官方网站上了解有关其他传输的更多信息。

UVC 无缝支持分屏功能,允许本地多人游戏,玩家可以在一个屏幕上进行正面对决。分屏功能可确保与朋友和家人分享赛车的激情,促进友好竞争和友情的难忘时刻。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-8-22 11:30:16
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