着色/阴影 【更新】The Visual Engine Terrain Shaders Module 20.0.0

插件名称: The Visual Engine Terrain Shaders Module
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/the-visual-engine-terrain-shaders-module-263730
版本: 20.0.0
素材类型: 着色/阴影
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-12-3 16:32 编辑

The Visual Engine系列索引:

The Vegetation Engine Terrain Shaders Module 12.6.0  下载链接
The Visual Engine Terrain Shaders Module 20.4.0 下载链接

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The latest version of the Vegetation Engine is required for the module to work!

The Vegetation Engine is a set of high-quality shaders and tools designed to unify 3rd party vegetation under the same system. Enable high-quality wind motion, interaction, seasons, wetness, subsurface, height-based blending, etc. for all vegetation assets with Standard, Universal, or HD Render Pipeline!

The Terrain Shaders Module is an advanced terrain shader solution with up to 16 layers supported, height-based blending, and per-layer planar, triplanar, and stochastic mapping and it has integration with the Vegetation Engine global seasons, overlay, wetness, emissive, and height offset for snow accumulation or tracks. It offers 2 texture packing modes to reduce the texture amount and optimize the rendering.

The Terrain Shaders Module allows you to override the layer textures and parameters per terrain or to use Custom Render Textures or Render Textures with animated effects such as molten lava or animated sand wind which is not possible by default with the terrain system!

The Terrain Shaders Module supports the following Render Pipelines:
Standard Render Pipeline 2021.3+
Universal Render Pipeline 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 2023.3+
HD Render Pipeline 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 2023.3+

The Terrain Shaders Module has integration with the following 3rd party tools:
Amplify Shader Editor - Full shader editing support
The Terrain Shaders Module supports the following add-ons:
The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Blanket Module (Terrain Blending)
The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Elements Module

The Vegetation Engine systems support: Seasons, Overlay, Wetness, Height Offset
The Vegetation Engine elements support: Colors, Overlay, Wetness, Height Offset
Up to 16 terrain layers supported in one pass
Per-layer Planar, Triplanar, and Stochastic mapping | NEW
Up to 16 terrain layers supported in one pass
Height-based blending
Global Emissive support
Works with mesh terrains
Amplify Shader Editor support
Demo scenes included

The height offset feature is only visual and it will not modify the actual terrain collision!
Shader Model 4.5+ capable devices are required (Desktop / High-End Mobile)
HDRP ray tracing and path tracing are not fully supported!
Only the latest LTS Unity versions are officially supported!

The Terrain Shader uses the Mask Alpha as Smoothness and the Albedo Alpha as a Foliage/Emissive mask. Texture packing might be needed if Smoothness is added to the Albedo texture!

The Terrain Shader can also work with mesh terrains if the control maps for the layer weights are provided. You can bake the control maps from the terrain using my free tool called Terrain Data Baker or Unity's Terrain Tools from the package manager! GPU Instancing must be disabled on the material.

More Assets
The Vegetation Engine • Unified shaders for any asset
The Vegetation Engine • Amplify Impostors Module
The Vegetation Engine • Mobile Shaders Module
The Vegetation Engine • Polygonal Shaders Module
The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Details Module
The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Elements Module
The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Blanket Module | NEW
Atmospheric Height Fog • Optimized fog for consoles, mobile, and VR
Polyverse Skies • Low poly skybox shaders
Free Skybox Shader • Cubemap Extended shader



地形着色器模块是一种先进的地形着色器解决方案,支持多达 16 层、基于高度的混合、每层平面、三平面和随机贴图,并与植被引擎的全局季节、叠加、湿度、发射和积雪或轨迹的高度偏移集成。它提供 2 种纹理打包模式,可减少纹理数量并优化渲染。


标准渲染管道 2021.3+
通用渲染管道 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 2023.3+
高清渲染管道 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 2023.3+

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-9-10 10:02:09
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