Damage Numbers Pro 4.13 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.21 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.26 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.28 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.29 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.30 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.31 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.32 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.34 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.35 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.36 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.37 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.38 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.40 下载链接
Damage Numbers Pro 4.42 下载链接
New in Version 4:
- 3-4x Better Performance
- GUI Support (highly requested)
- 5 Custom ASCII Fonts
- Several New Features (see patch notes)
- 2D, 3D and GUI
- Every Render Pipeline
- Playmaker, Game Creator 1 & 2 (custom actions) (optional)
- Easy Implementation (2-3 lines of code)
- 5 Custom ASCII Fonts (bonus)
- Pooling and Threading Optimizations
- Several Preset Buttons (Style, Fading & Behavior)
- Face Camera Feature (3D)
- Render Through Objects Feature (3D)
- Consistent Screen Size Feature (3D)
- Soft Collision Feature (spreads popups)
- Highly Customizable Fade In and Fade Out.
- Lerp or Velocity Movement
- Follow Gameobject Feature (maintains offset to transform)
- Vibration Feature
- Start Rotation Feature
- Rotate over Time Feature
- Scale by Number Feature (larger number = larger scale)
- Scale over Time Feature
- Push Feature (pushes nearby popups by an offset)
- Combination Feature (combines & adds up)
- Destruction Feature (clears existing popups)
- Lots of Text Formatting Options
- Can display Decimals
- Clean Inspector with Tooltips and Hints
- Uses TextMeshPro
- And many smaller features...