代码插件 Ascent Combat Framework (ACF)3.5.1 适配UE5.4战斗系统

插件名称: Ascent Combat Framework (ACF)
官网地址: https://www.fab.com/listings/ca5f015f-4976-4928-84a1-8826954a2a57
版本: 3.5.1
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 代码插件

Ascent Combat Framework (ACF) is a multi-modules C++ Plugin that provides an extendable and easy to use framework to build your very own Action RPG in a short amount of time. It features everything you'd need to design and create a state-of-the-art fluid Ranged and/or Melee Combat System and supports networking.

Crafted by seasoned engineers with AAA game-industry experience, ACF has all the power of a professional, production ready C++ tool combined with the simplicity of a blueprint template, thanks to a full blueprint sample project that showcase all the functionalities.

NEW! Request the FREE ACF ULTIMATE, a COMPLETE GAME made with ACF and Ascent Toolset and Ascent UI Tools, ready to be extended and customized! More info on our DISCORD: ACF Ultimate Video

NEW! Large set of 40+ VIDEOTUTORIALS available in Discord, check a preview here!

NEW V3.4: 9/2023 - Added Swimming, new spells, unarmed combat in the sample, and improved shooting, crafting, impacts, damage feedback & more!

NEW V3.3: 6/2023 - Added Vault & Mantle and improved locomotion!
NEW V3: 12/2022 - Completely Redesigned for UE5!
FREE SAMPLE Project INCLUDED! Request it on our Discord (over 4800+ devs)!
DEMO BUILDED PROJECT: Try the Demo! (v2) - New demo will be released soon!

Why is different?
Its modular and generic architecture will let you create your very own gameplay avoiding that "garbage asset flipper" feel that most of the indie game have when made with pre-made assets. ACF gives the ability to the developer to shape his vision and build a polished and unique game experience.

Why should I pefer a ACF over a blueprint template ?
X - When you work with a blueprint template you often need to modify other's people blueprints to adapt them to your vision. This results in a chaotic and unpredictable workflow in which at every update of the template you get your modifications overridden and you risk to lose all your hard work. In addicion, forcibly adding code to other people's architecture will probably result in a chaotic and bug-prone code architecture that will make the development slower and frustrating.

V - With a C++ plugin you DO NOT NEED to touch it's code at all, but you can work on top of ACF by extending it's functionalities and using it's modules. This will results in a perfectly decoupled codebase that can grow in size while maintaining a SOLID and reliable architecture that will scale without issues. Moreover the plugin is installed in the engine meaning that at every update your code remains untouched, resulting in a safe and reliable workflow. Organizing the codebase in "independent layers" is the most common way to work in the AAA industry because allows to re-use common logics in different projects speeding up signficantly the production process.

Do I need to know C++ to work with ACF?
Absolutely not. You are not supposed to touch the C++ code at all. ACF is built as an engine inside an engine so that you

can work on top of it in Blueprints-only projects.Everything is exposed to blueprint to be expandable without coding, so you'll have all the power of a professional C++ Gameplay without touching a single line of code.

Note: ACF requires that you have at least some basics blueprint/unreal knowledge!

Code Modules:
19 modules with clean dependencies, so can you use only what you need:

Ascent Combat Framework [Runtime]: The core of the combat system
Actions System [Runtime]: generic system to handle new gameplay abilites and skills
Character Controller [Runtime]: A set of generic controlelrs that works with both humanoid and quadruped creatures
AIFramework [Runtime]: create and customize enemies and companions behaviors
Camera Manager [Runtime]: Manages all the in camera movements
Targeting System [Runtime]: Lock on or magnetic targeting
Advanced RPG System [Runtime]: Create your own stats and attribtues and design your leveling system
Collisions Manager [Runtime]: To handle precise and optimized damage traces
Combined Animation System [Runtime]: to play combined animations between 2 characters
Executions System [Runtime]: An extensions of Combined Animations System, specifically for executions
Inventory System [Runtime]: generic inventory and quipment system that allows you to create your own equipment slots. Works also for storages and world items
Crafting System [Runtime]: Generic implementations for Vendors, procedural storage and recipes to craft new items by combining others
Spell Actions [Runtime]: Implementing specific actions for spells like damage projectiles, healing, buffs and summoning
Automatic Save System [Runtime]: automatically save & load of all the marked variables in a separated Thread for maximum performance and with a single blueprint node
MountSystem [Runtime]: Generic way of mounting other characters and vehicles
Vehicle System [Runtime]: Chaos Vehicle specialization already set up t

Ascent Combat Framework (ACF) 是一个多模块的 C++ 插件,它提供了一个可扩展且易于使用的框架,可在短时间内创建您自己的动作 RPG。它具有设计和创建最先进的流畅远程和/或近战战斗系统所需的一切功能,并支持联网。

ACF 由拥有 AAA 级游戏行业经验的资深工程师精心打造,它既有专业 C++ 工具的强大功能,又有蓝图模板的简单易用性。

新功能 免费索取 ACF ULTIMATE,这是一款使用 ACF、Ascent Toolset 和 Ascent UI Tools 制作的完整游戏,可随时扩展和定制!更多信息,请参阅我们的 DISCORD: ACF 终极版视频

新内容!Discord 中提供了大量 40 多部视频教程,请点击此处预览!

新 V3.4:9/2023 - 在样本中添加了游泳、新法术、徒手格斗,并改进了射击、制作、撞击、伤害反馈等功能!

NEW V3.3: 6/2023 - 新增苍穹与幔帐,并改进了运动性能!
新 V3:12/2022 - 针对 UE5 完全重新设计!
包含免费示例项目!在我们的 Discord(超过 4800+ 开发人员)上申请!
已构建项目演示: 试用演示!(v2) - 新的演示版即将发布!

它的模块化和通用架构可让您创建自己的游戏玩法,避免大多数独立游戏在使用预制资产时产生的 "垃圾资产翻转器 "的感觉。ACF 让开发者有能力塑造自己的愿景,打造精良独特的游戏体验。

为什么要选择 ACF 而不是蓝图模板?
X - 使用蓝图模板时,您往往需要修改他人的蓝图,使其符合您的设想。这将导致工作流程混乱且不可预测,每次更新模板时,你的修改都会被覆盖,从而有可能丢失所有辛勤工作。此外,强行将代码添加到他人的架构中很可能会导致代码架构混乱且容易出错,从而使开发速度变慢并令人沮丧。

V - 对于 C++ 插件,您根本不需要接触其代码,但您可以通过扩展其功能和使用其模块在 ACF 的基础上工作。这将产生一个完美解耦的代码库,在保持稳固可靠的架构的同时,还能扩大规模。此外,插件安装在引擎中,这意味着每次更新都不会触动代码,从而实现安全可靠的工作流程。在 "独立层 "中组织代码库是 AAA 行业最常见的工作方式,因为这样可以在不同项目中重复使用通用逻辑,大大加快制作流程。

使用 ACF 需要懂 C++ 吗?
绝对不需要。您完全不需要接触 C++ 代码。ACF 是作为引擎中的引擎而构建的,因此您可以

所有内容都暴露在蓝图中,无需编码即可扩展。因此,您无需接触任何代码即可拥有专业 C++ 游戏的所有功能。

注意:ACF 要求你至少具备一些基本的蓝图/虚幻知识!

19 个模块具有明确的依赖关系,因此您可以只使用自己需要的模块:

Ascent 战斗框架 [运行时]: 战斗系统的核心
动作系统 [运行时]:处理新游戏能力和技能的通用系统
角色控制器 [运行时]: 一套通用控制器,适用于人形生物和四足生物
AIFramework [运行时]:创建并自定义敌人和同伴的行为
摄像机管理器 [运行时]: 管理所有镜头内的动作
瞄准系统 [运行时]: 锁定或磁性瞄准
高级 RPG 系统 [运行时]: 创建自己的状态和属性,设计自己的等级系统
碰撞管理器 [运行时]: 处理精确和优化的伤害轨迹
组合动画系统 [运行时]:播放两个角色之间的组合动画
执行系统 [运行时]: 组合动画系统的扩展,专门用于执行动作
库存系统 [Runtime]:通用库存和装备系统,允许您创建自己的装备槽。也适用于仓库和世界物品
手工艺系统 [运行时]: 供应商、程序存储和配方的通用实现,可通过组合其他物品制作新物品
法术操作 [运行时]: 为法术(如伤害投射、治疗、BUFF 和召唤)实现特定操作
自动保存系统 [运行时]:在一个独立的线程中自动保存和加载所有标记的变量,以获得最佳性能,并使用单个蓝图节点
挂载系统 [运行时]: 安装其他角色和车辆的通用方法
车辆系统 [运行时]: 已设置好的混沌载具专业化系统。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 前天 14:40
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