纹理材质 Military Combat HUD - Synty INTERFACE - GUI 1.0.0 军事战斗图标

插件名称: Military Combat HUD - Synty INTERFACE - GUI
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/military-combat-hud-synty-interface-gui-302903
版本: 1.0.0
素材类型: 纹理材质

Synty® Studios presents: INTERFACE - Military Combat HUD
War never changes, but sometimes it needs a cheeky visual upgrade. Synty’s Interface Military Combat HUD pack features a library of combat-focused military components to help you dominate the UI battlefield.

Alongside action bars, compasses, minimaps and weapon wheels, there are competitive shooter components including revive timers, fireteam info, ‘Killed By’ panes and Match Start / Match Complete animations. We’ve also included a customisable badge system for building team badges, rank up / level up badges, and reward and kill streak badges.

Each component is designed for maximum flexibility, whether you’re making a Looter Shooter, Battle Royale, team-based extraction, or a military FPS.

◼ Key Features ◼
Over 200 prefabs (with animations!)
1,500+ sprites and icons
Customisable visual variants for components allow you to add your own style to your game’s HUD. Create hundreds of variations to fit your game’s specific needs!
Customisable badge components and sprites for rank/level up, team select, rewards and more.
Comprehensive range of input icons for multiple controller types including PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck.
Blends seamlessly with Synty’s expansive library of POLYGON assets.
Text and numeric buttons can be tinted, customised and localised.
◼ Complete Your Project ◼
Check out POLYGON - Military Pack and POLYGON - Battle Royale Pack, both these packs will work very well with Military Combat HUD.

◼ Learn More ◼
Check out Synty's tutorial on Creating a HUD in Unity.
*The UI components in this pack are 2D and designed to work with Unity’s UGUI and 2D systems. The sprites can be used in any UI program. No 3D models are included.

◼ FAQ ◼
Q: Does the pack work with TextMeshPro?
A: Yes! This pack is designed to work with TextMeshPro
Q: Are the UI elements 2D or 3D?
A: The UI elements are 2D renders allowing them to work easily with UGUI and other 2D UI systems
Q: What UI system do the prefabs use?
A: Our pack's prefabs are built using UGUI – Unity's recommended runtime UI system.
Q: Can I use the fonts in this pack for my game or project?
A: Yes, fonts included in this pack are Google Fonts called Oxanium You can find more information in the pack documentation or can check out the Google Fonts FAQ here.

Synty® Studios 出品: INTERFACE - 军事战斗 HUD
战争永远不会改变,但有时也需要厚颜无耻的视觉升级。Synty 的 Interface 军事战斗 HUD 包拥有一个以战斗为重点的军事组件库,可帮助您在 UI 战场上称霸。

除了动作条、指南针、最小地图和武器滚轮外,还有竞技射击组件,包括复活计时器、火力组信息、“被击杀 ”面板和比赛开始/比赛结束动画。我们还加入了可定制的徽章系统,用于创建团队徽章、等级提升/级别提升徽章以及奖励和连杀徽章。

无论您是要制作掠夺射击游戏、大逃杀游戏、团队萃取游戏,还是军事 FPS 游戏,每个组件都具有最大的灵活性。

◼ 主要功能 ◼
200 多个预制件(带动画)
1,500 多个精灵和图标
可定制的组件视觉变体允许您为游戏的 HUD 添加自己的风格。创建数百种变体,以满足您游戏的特定需求!
全面的输入图标,适用于多种手柄类型,包括 PC、Xbox、PlayStation、Nintendo Switch 和 Steam Deck。
与 Synty 庞杂的 POLYGON 资产库完美融合。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-12-18 12:12:29
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