Create an advanced in-game operating system to make your game or app even more immersive. Fully compatible with Unity 2021.3 and onwards, including Unity 6.
• Complete Solution
DreamOS includes not just UI components, but also many other tools you may need. Everything can be easily customized in Unity without requiring any external tools.
• UI Manager
Instead of changing objects one by one, you change the whole look of your UI within seconds - all using the UI Manager!
• Fully Customizable
You can add or change almost everything using Unity inspector, no need to deal with code or external tools. Various custom editor tools are available to make customization super easy.
• Rich UI Components
With dozens of unique UI elements, presets and sliced sprites, you can easily create various UI layouts.
• Functional Apps
From Messaging to Music Player, there are over 13 different apps to fulfill all your needs. Each app is functional, modular, and customizable.
• Functional System Features
Includes fully-featured system features such as user creation, date and time, modular widgets, notifications, and more!
• Localization Support
DreamOS offers a complete localization system built into the package, allowing you to easily manage localization without the need for an external solution.
• Native UI Support
DreamOS is made using the native Unity UI, allowing you to continue working as you're used to and even use third-party UGUI extensions with it.
创建先进的游戏内操作系统,让您的游戏或应用程序更加身临其境。完全兼容 Unity 2021.3 及以后版本,包括 Unity 6。
- 完整的解决方案
DreamOS 不仅包括用户界面组件,还包括您可能需要的许多其他工具。一切都可以在 Unity 中轻松定制,无需任何外部工具。
- 用户界面管理器
- 完全自定义
您可以使用 Unity 检查器添加或更改几乎所有内容,而无需处理代码或使用外部工具。各种自定义编辑器工具让自定义变得超级简单。
- 丰富的用户界面组件
- 功能丰富的应用程序
从消息传递到音乐播放器,超过 13 种不同的应用程序可满足您的所有需求。每个应用程序都是功能性、模块化和可定制的。
- 实用的系统功能
- 本地化支持
DreamOS 在软件包中内置了完整的本地化系统,使您无需外部解决方案即可轻松管理本地化。
- 原生用户界面支持
DreamOS 使用原生 Unity UI 制作,让你可以继续按照习惯工作,甚至可以使用第三方 UGUI 扩展。