材质/贴图 Sand VFX 适配UE5.0+风沙漠沙子撞击沙地冲击视觉特效

插件名称: Sand VFX
官网地址: https://www.fab.com/listings/de03d507-38a6-4564-9a46-f434a8786079
版本: 5.0+
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 材质/贴图

Welcome to the sandbox party of your dreams with our "Sand VFX" pack for Unreal Engine! *hehehe*
Get ready to play and experiment with a bunch of cool features that'll take your projects from blank to "well, at least there's sand in it lol"
This pack aims to be a starter pack for the sand effects for your projects, it being for environments or the earth-type attacks from a turn-based monster-collecting and fighting RPG.

Sand Impact Effects - Jump into the action with sand impact effects that'll make you feel the sand beneath your feet. That's the bit of game juice that's needed for players to fully grasp the desert ambience.
Lit Sand Puffs VFX - They're just sand puffs. But they're being affected by the light around them. Crazy stuff right?
Falling Sand Material & Particle Systems - Add sand "waterfalls" to the level's ledges with this falling sand material and its respective "sand fall from the ceiling" particle systems.
Custom Rock Meshes & Rock Cannon with BP Example - Rock out with custom rock meshes and a made-for-fun rock cannon. This shows one of multiple use cases for the VFX in the pack. Keep in mind, this is an example for you to study or build upon, so it doesn't have already implemented features like damaging a specific player, which you'll have to adapt to your own game's context.
Rock Eruption Effect with BP Example - Swoosh. Shablam! You've been hit by a bunch of pointy rocks that came out of the ground. The blueprint example shows you how to spawn hit FX, spawn the sound effects, detect if something has to be affected by the rocks, etc., but you'll still have to implement health management according to your real projects, as we can't build a universal solution for each and every project's context.
Floating Rocks Spawner Blueprint & Environmental Set Dressing - Let your imagination float away with our floating rocks spawner blueprint. Create your own floating island paradise or a rocky wonderland. Even a meteorite belt. This is supposed to be used in a "sci-fi" or fantasy type of game.
Sandstorm Manager Blueprint & Environmental Sandstorm Cards - Take control of the weather with our sandstorm manager blueprint and sandstorm cards. Whether it's a sunny day or a sandy storm, you've got the power to change it. Easy to use and essential parameters are exposed for you to tweak and craft a quick system that fits the needs of your game.
Floating Sand with Vector Fields - Watch the sand dance with this set of floating sand effects. It's like having your own mini sand tornado – but way safer! The vector fields can be switched to whichever ones you make (in Blender, for example), or they can also be adjusted in Niagara by using noises.
Emitting Sand from Meshes - Let Thanos snap his fingers once again. Emit sand from a character's mesh, or any other mesh really. The sand particles are lit (as they should in a real environment) so they'll react to the environment lighting.
Dunes Material & Dune Deformation Example - Beware of this one. This sand dune material includes an example of sand deformation using render targets. This is just for demo purposes, as we're aware that each project uses their preferred tech to achieve those sorts of deformations and so on. The only thing affecting the deformation for now, are just the player's feet. That's why this one also includes a "no deformation" version, but the players leave footsteps in the sand too, using another technique.
Sand Footsteps VFX & Dune Normal Decal Steps - The sand between your toes never felt so good. These effects are the ones left behind the player's feet using the "no deformation" approach for the dunes.

欢迎使用我们的虚幻引擎 “Sand VFX ”包来参加您梦想中的沙盒派对!*hehehe*
准备好使用这些很酷的功能,让您的项目从一片空白变成 “好吧,至少里面有沙子,lol”。
该包旨在为您的项目提供沙子特效的入门包,可用于环境或回合制怪物收集和战斗 RPG 中的大地类攻击。

点燃的沙粒视觉特效 - 它们只是沙粒。但它们会受到周围光线的影响。很疯狂吧?
落沙材料和粒子系统 - 利用这种落沙材料和相应的 “沙子从天花板落下 ”粒子系统,在关卡的壁架上添加沙子 “瀑布”。
自定义岩石网格和岩石大炮(含 BP 示例) - 使用自定义岩石网格和好玩的岩石大炮来摇滚。这展示了软件包中视觉特效的多种使用案例之一。请记住,这是一个供您学习或借鉴的示例,因此它没有已经实现的功能,如伤害特定玩家,您必须根据自己的游戏环境进行调整。
岩石喷发效果与 BP 示例 - Swoosh. Shablam!你被一堆从地下冒出来的尖石头击中了。蓝图示例向您展示了如何

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-12-20 11:28:43
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