A mad follower of a terrible cult, his flesh tormented, his mind stupefied, and he is led only by the desire to exterminate the infidels. Rusty metal and fire will cut into his flesh just as they will cut into the flesh of the enemies of his faith. And those who fall at once will be glad that they do not fall into the gloomy dungeons of his brothers.Here is Cultist animated character.
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Animations list (18 items):
Four different attacks
Getting hit from four sides
Jump far and on place
Turning left and right at 45 degrees
Battle idle
Two different deaths
他是一个可怕邪教的疯狂追随者,肉体受尽折磨,头脑昏昏沉沉,唯有消灭异教徒的欲望引领着他。锈迹斑斑的金属和火焰会割裂他的肉体,就像它们会割裂他信仰的敌人的肉体一样。那些立即倒下的人会庆幸自己没有掉进他的兄弟们的阴暗地牢。这是 Cultist 动画人物。