编辑器拓展 【更新】MicroVerse - Roads 1.7.27道路地形创建工具

插件名称: MicroVerse - Roads
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/microverse-roads-208590
版本: 1.7.27
素材类型: 编辑器拓展

Requires MicroVerse, MicroVerse-Splines, and the Unity spline package. See installation notes below.

The MicroVerse - Roads system is a fully featured Road creation system for MicroVerse. It takes advantage of MicroVerse and the MicroVerse-Splines module for non-destructive terrain modification. Like the rest of MicroVerse, everything is edited in realtime with instant results and no need for a baking process. It can also be used for other systems, such as tunnels, caves, rollercoasters, train tracks, and pipelines.

With this system you can easily create complex road networks with intersections and decorations which conform to the road geometry, such as guard rails and sidewalks. These can easily be set on each road or changed along the road itself with spline based control points.

Objects can also be placed to be relative to the road, allowing you to change your road and have any hand placed decorations move with the changes. Combined with MicroVerse's non destructive terrain editing, this allows you to edit anything easily in realtime without ever loosing work due to 'baking' data.

Also included are custom shaders for the roads and props which work in all render pipelines, and include integration with weather systems like Enviro and Weather Maker, allowing for wet surfaces, puddles, rain drops, and snow accumulation to form. The custom Road shader allows you to wear your surfaces from the passage of vehicles, cracking from weathering and time, as well as customize the looks and road markings of your pavement.

Unlike many other road systems, actual geometry is used for the roads instead of just an extruded plane, giving roads thickness and depth. This also makes it easy to create things like roller coasters, train tracks, or pipelines.

Included Content in the demo:
- Roads in 1 to 4 lane varieties
- A selection of intersections and lane entrances and exits for highways
- Multiple asphault textures, along with various wear and weathering effects
- Guard Rails, Road Barriers, Traffic Cones, Signs, and Lights, along with street lights and miscelanious other props.
- A set of content for rollercoasters, pipelines, and trains.

INSTALL NOTE: There is currently a bug in the Unity Package manager which often prevents the installation of this module. If you hit this, install the module before installing MicroVerse or join discord and register your invoice to get access to the GitHub repository directly, where it will install fine. This bug has been sitting in Unity QA's queue for over 8 months without a response, and there's nothing I can do about it.

需要 MicroVerse、MicroVerse-Splines 和 Unity 花键软件包。请参见下面的安装说明。

MicroVerse - 道路系统是适用于 MicroVerse 的功能齐全的道路创建系统。它利用 MicroVerse 和 MicroVerse-Splines 模块进行非破坏性地形修改。与 MicroVerse 的其他功能一样,所有内容都是实时编辑的,效果立竿见影,无需烘焙过程。它还可用于其他系统,如隧道、洞穴、过山车、火车轨道和管道。


物体还可以相对于道路进行放置,这样就可以改变道路,并使任何手工放置的装饰物随之移动。结合 MicroVerse 的非破坏性地形编辑功能,您可以轻松地实时编辑任何内容,而不会因为 “烘烤 ”数据而丢失工作。

此外,还包括用于道路和道具的自定义着色器,这些着色器可在所有渲染管道中使用,并可与 Enviro 和 Weather Maker 等天气系统集成,从而形成潮湿的表面、水坑、雨滴和积雪。自定义道路着色器可让您的路面因车辆通过而磨损,因风化和时间而开裂,还可自定义路面的颜色。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-12-27 11:04:06
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