No sign-up, No API Keys, no recurring payments, no subscription fees, no additional costs, just one-click easy to use inferences on our voice model.
DeepVoice is an LAM (Large Audio Model) of networks and libraries that are capable of life-like voice generation through text using AI and deep learning made for Unity.
80,000 characters per month (up from 60k, 33%+) of voice over and narration takes with DeepVoice. 80,000 characters translates to 24 pages of 12-point text in Calibri. This quota is issued on the 1st of every month. Process up to 2.5x characters at a time now
Works in realtime, both in, Edit Mode or Play Mode inside of the Unity Editor. This asset has a one-click, beginner friendly GUI and does not require any coding to use.
Please note: The voices you hear in this description and the videos (Trailer and Getting Started) are AI generated.
Pipelines Supported: Standard, HDRP, URP and SRP. (All)
Text to Voice Converter: The main function of the asset is to provide you with ready for production voices. Simply enter the text to be voiced out and click on generate.
无需注册、无需 API 密钥、无需经常性付款、无需订阅费用、无需额外费用,只需单击即可轻松使用我们的语音模型进行推断。
DeepVoice 是一个由网络和库组成的 LAM(大型音频模型),能够利用人工智能和深度学习通过文本生成栩栩如生的语音,适用于 Unity。
每月使用 DeepVoice 制作 80,000 个字符的配音和旁白(从 60,000 个字符增加 33%)。80,000 个字符相当于 24 页 12 点的 Calibri 字体。该配额于每月 1 日发放。现在一次最多可处理 2.5x 个字符
可在 Unity 编辑器内的编辑模式或播放模式下实时运行。该资产具有一键式新手友好图形用户界面,使用时无需任何编码。
支持的管道 标准、HDRP、URP 和 SRP。全部