编辑器拓展 【更新】Islands - StampIT! 2.1.0岛屿自然环境地形工具

插件名称: Islands - StampIT!
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/islands-stampit-227639
版本: 2.1.0
素材类型: 编辑器拓展

Islands as part of the StampIT! Collection consists of 50 (+3 Bonus) high quality textures in stunning 4K resolution. These heightmap textures can be used as brushes with the Unity terrain tools in order to paint features on your Unity terrain. Or you could use these heightmap textures in other assets like Atlas, Gaia, Map Magic 2, Vista, etc.

The asset consists of the heightmaps and the brush presets, the terrain textures are not included.

The introductory video shows the Islands stamps in combination with AAA assets from the Unity Asset Store and Sketchfab. Please check out the youtube description about all the assets that were used to achieve this look combined with the heightmaps. Most notably:
* Vegetation Studio Pro
* Vegetation Studio Pro Extensions
* Tropical Forest Pack
* Crest Ocean System HDRP
* Dynamic Water Physics 2

* Fast Rescue Craft Mako 655 by Pixel

MicroVerse Compatibility
This collection of heightmaps is compatible with MicroVerse and contains presets which allow you to conveniently drag the height stamps into MicroVerse directly from the Content Browser.

Stamping features on the terrain is a process which is supported by Unity out of the box. Simply put stamping is blending of various textures with each other. This process has been existing for a very long time and has been used in various applications, most notably image processing applications like Photoshop, Krita, Gimp, you name it.

Unity provides a very convenient means to blend those images together with their built-in terrain tools. The Unity terrain tools provide an editor with a brush preview which allows you to adjust a stamp in detail before you apply it.

For an even better experience the free Unity Terrain Tools package which can be installed in addition to the built-in tools via Package Manager is an excellent choice. It extends the terrain tools palette with even more tools which allow you to fine tune your stamped terrain to achieve the look of your personal artistic preference.

World Creator
In case you need complete terrains imported into Unity including textures, then the awesome World Creator is a preferred application. Highly recommended!

岛屿是 StampIT 的一部分!系列包含 50 张(+3 张额外)高质量纹理,分辨率高达 4K。这些高度贴图纹理可用作 Unity 地形工具的笔刷,以便在您的 Unity 地形上绘制特征。您也可以在 Atlas、Gaia、Map Magic 2、Vista 等其他资产中使用这些高度贴图纹理。


介绍视频展示了群岛图章与 Unity 资产商店和 Sketchfab 中的 AAA 资产的组合。请查看 youtube 上的说明,了解为实现与高度贴图相结合的外观而使用的所有资产。最值得注意的是
* 植被工作室专业版
* 植被工作室专业版扩展
* 热带森林包
* 科斯特海洋系统 HDRP
* 动态水物理 2

* Fast Rescue Craft Mako 655 by Pixel

本高度图集与 MicroVerse 兼容,并包含预设,可让您方便地直接从内容浏览器将高度图章拖入 MicroVerse。

在地形上冲压特征是 Unity 开箱即支持的一个过程。简单地说,印记就是将各种纹理相互混合。这一过程由来已久,在各种应用程序中都有使用,其中最著名的是图像处理应用程序,如 Photoshop、Krita、Gimp 等。

Unity 提供了一种非常方便的方法来混合各种纹理。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-12-30 13:57:03
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