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3D Object Image for UGUI - MiniMap Inventory Portrait 1.0.5版下载链接
This asset is part of the UI Bundle
Render 3D world objects or prefabs in your UI.
Use Cases
You want to show 3D items in your inventory UI?
Add the PrefabInstantiator to the WorldImage component, drag in your prefabs and you are done.
Want to have 3D portraits in a UI image?
Simply drag in the transform of the NPC into the list of objects and you are done.
You need a top-down mini-map of the level?
Empty the list of objects. Then use "Camera Look At" and "Camera position" to have the camera high up in the sky looking down. Done.
Simple Workflow
1) Right-Click > UI > World Image
2) Select object(s) from scene
3) Done
Compatible with Built-In, URP and HDRP
Works the the same in all render pipelines.
Works just like an Image
Is based on the default Maskable Graphic. This means it works like the default UI image. You can mask it, change the material, ... .
Full Source Code
I publish this asset with full source code because as a developer I know how annoying it is to not have source code access. If you like it then please remind others to purchase the plugin. Don't just copy and paste it everywhere.
Supports Unity 2021.3+, 2022, 2023, Unity 6, .. LTS
It may work with earlier versions too but those are not tested anymore.
在用户界面中渲染 3D 世界对象或预制件。
您想在库存用户界面中显示 3D 物品?
将 PrefabInstantiator 添加到 WorldImage 组件中,拖入预制件即可。
想在用户界面图像中显示 3D 人像?
只需将 NPC 的变形拖入对象列表即可。
清空对象列表。然后使用 “摄像机视角 ”和 “摄像机位置 ”让摄像机从高处俯视天空。完成。
1) 右键单击 > 用户界面 > 世界图像
2) 从场景中选择对象
3) 完成
与内置、URP 和 HDRP 兼容
基于默认的可屏蔽图形。这意味着它可以像默认的 UI 图像一样工作。您可以对其进行遮罩、更改材质......。
支持 Unity 2021.3+, 2022, 2023, Unity 6, .LTS