After one week since the devastating mortar attack, the village had only just begun to quiet down after the bombing. Most houses had become unusable; their walls collapsed, and their plaster blown to pieces. Yet, despite all the devastation, The Looter`s hope remained unbroken when he discovered a crayon drawing on the ground created by his children.
We believe wars should only remain in games. A great man once said, “ Peace at home, peace in the world.”
We are back with a new colossal pack; get ready to take your WW2-themed projects to the next level with the WW2 Warzone Environment. This pack took us around five months to complete as a team. This collection of high-quality assets is designed to bring this historic era's haunting, battle-scarred landscapes to life in your Unreal Engine projects.
WW2 Warzone Environment with 800+ Unique Nanite Meshes. Including all showcased and high-quality assets. With a good level of detail and optimized for Game Ready Projects.
The Pack comes with SFX / VFX and decal sets.
The product included a showcased example map.
毁灭性的迫击炮袭击发生一周后,村庄才刚刚开始恢复平静。大多数房屋已经无法使用,墙壁倒塌,灰泥被炸得粉碎。然而,尽管满目疮痍,“劫掠者 ”的希望依然没有破灭,因为他在地上发现了孩子们用蜡笔画的画。
具有 800 多个独特纳米网格的二战战区环境。包括所有展示的高质量资产。具有良好的细节水平,并针对游戏就绪项目进行了优化。
该包包含 SFX / VFX 和贴花套装。