脚本/功能 【更新】Easy AR Make Awesome AR Apps Without Coding 4.0

插件名称: Easy AR Make Awesome AR Apps Without Coding
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/easy-ar-make-awesome-ar-apps-without-coding-186580
版本: 4.0
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2025-2-7 14:44 编辑

Easy AR Make Awesome AR Apps Without Coding 系列索引:

Easy AR Make Awesome AR Apps Without Coding 2.0.4  下载链接
Easy AR Make Awesome AR Apps Without Coding 3.0  下载链接

Easy AR helps you to build awesome Augmented Reality apps quickly and easily without any coding. Easy AR handles everything from object placement and gesture controls to automatic lighting, etc..

Easy AR helps you to build awesome Augmented Reality apps quickly and easily without any coding. Easy AR handles everything from object placement and gesture controls to automatic lighting. And it's compatible for both Android and iOS. With Easy AR you don't have to go through configuring AR Foundation to get the best look and feel. You just have to add your 3D prefabs and build. You can also go deeper and customize the scripts as well.

Object vertical auto spawning and controls (Ex: Clock, Painting, etc..)
Object horizontal auto spawning and controls (Ex: Chair, Table, etc..)
Multiple object spawning and controls
AR Configurator
AR Measurement
AR Floor Tiling
Automatic dynamic lighting and reflections
AR Occlusion feature
Tools to bake contact shadows for your objects
No coding needed

Demo Scenes
Vertical Placement : The objects that are placed in vertical space such as clock, wall paintings can be experienced here. For the demo we are using a clock to place on the wall.
Horizontal Placement : The objects that are placed in horizontal space such as chair, sofa, statue can be experienced here. For the demo demo we are using a chair to place on the floor.
Multiple Object Placement : Multiple object placement uses both horizontal placement & vertical placement simultaneously. From this demonstration users can place virtual objects on desired space that you have.
AR Measurement : AR measurement allows users to measure length along horizontal or vertical space. In each measurement, it shows a measured value of the line which is generated based on the placed points.
AR Configurator : AR configurator allows users to configure AR object properties such as color in run-time. Given sample high back chair model seat color can be changed in run-time.
AR Tilling : AR Tilling facilitates users to mark the floor area boundary & apply desired tile pattern & also users can customize tiles by changing the tilling, rotation & offset values.
AR RoadSide Water Pump : AR roadside water pump showcases how users can see underground pipe systems connected to water pumps & adjust visibility of pipe systems. This concept is used for AR construction.
AR Pizza : AR Pizza is a customizable product which customers can add toppings as much as they prefer. This demo can be used for AR marketing.
AR Portal : AR portal shows another fantasy world where users can go inside it and experience. The use case of this demo is used for AR entertainment.

Baked Shadow Generation For AR Prefabs
Easy AR gives you a new technique of generating a baked shadow plane for 3D objects. This is a better way to implement a contact shadow map similar to iOS USDZ shadow.

Let's play AR Configurator with Easy AR!!!
We are very happy to announce that AR Configurator Scene is included in new update of Easy AR!
Try Easy AR Pack Now!

Easy AR 可帮助您快速、轻松地创建出色的增强现实应用程序,而无需编写任何代码。Easy AR 可处理从对象放置、手势控制到自动照明等一切操作。

Easy AR 可帮助您快速、轻松地构建超棒的增强现实应用程序,而无需编写任何代码。Easy AR 可处理从对象放置、手势控制到自动照明等一切操作。它同时兼容 Android 和 iOS。有了 Easy AR,你不必通过配置 AR Foundation 来获得最佳的外观和感觉。您只需添加 3D 预制件并进行构建即可。您还可以更深入地定制脚本。

AR 配置器
AR 测量
AR 地板铺设
AR 遮挡功能

多重物体摆放: 多对象放置同时使用水平放置和垂直放置。通过该演示,用户可以将虚拟物体放置在所需的空间内。
AR 测量: AR 测量允许用户测量水平或垂直空间的长度。在每次测量中,它都会显示根据放置点生成的线的测量值。
AR Tilling:AR Tilling 可帮助用户标记地板区域的边界并应用所需的瓷砖图案,用户还可以通过更改瓷砖的耕作、旋转和偏移值来定制瓷砖。
AR 路边水泵:AR 路边水泵展示了用户如何查看连接到水泵的地下管道系统,以及如何调整管道系统的可见性。这一概念用于 AR 建筑。
AR 披萨:AR 披萨是一种可定制的产品,客户可以根据自己的喜好添加配料。该演示可用于 AR 营销。
AR 门户:AR 门户展示了另一个奇幻世界,用户可以进入其中体验。该演示的用例是用于 AR 娱乐。

为 AR 预制件生成烘焙阴影
Easy AR 为您提供了为 3D 物体生成烘焙阴影平面的新技术。这是实现类似于 iOS USDZ 阴影的接触式阴影贴图的更好方法。

让我们一起用 Easy AR 来玩 AR 配置器吧!..!
我们非常高兴地宣布,Easy AR 的新版本中包含了 AR 配置器场景!
现在就试用 Easy AR Pack!

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2025-2-6 12:07:37
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