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Ragdoll Animator 2 系列索引:
Ragdoll Animator 2 1.0 下载链接
Ragdoll Animator 2 下载链接
Bring physical behavior for your characters
Animate your models using physics, make them fall and get up seamlessly, apply physical hit reactions, and interact with environment in an easy, controlled way.
Quick setup
Set up humanoid characters with just a few clicks. Set up other rigs with a lot of automatic assistance and scene gizmos. Tweak all settings with a clear preview of physical reactions.
Ease of use
A carefully designed GUI will help you quickly navigate between setup stages.
Use along with Unity physics components
Ragdoll Animator uses rigidbody and joint physics, so you can easily apply Unity's components with ragdoll animator rig. Use spring joints to simulate a character attached to a rope. Use fixed joints to attach physical items to the ragdoll animator rig.
Extra Features API
The plugin comes with an "Extra Features" API which allows you to apply custom scripts in Ragdoll Animator update loops without modifying the core code. This enables many cool behaviors, and you will find more than 25 extra features included in the release version.
Equipables API
Thanks to this API, you can attach helmeds / hand items to the ragdoll character, including their physics, and also apply custom heavyness of the items to influence the physical animation of the skeleton.
Helpful Utility Components
Ragdoll Animator 2 comes with additional components, like Magnet Points: for rigidbody manipulation, and a Joint Chains Generator / Single Animated Chain, which you can find really useful for designing custom physical interations.
Great Performance
Thanks to the plugin's fidelity, you can switch On and Off features you don't need to save performance. You can constantly preview cost of each Ragdoll Animator within the inspector window by hitting green debug icon. You can enable camera view and distance-based or level of detail optimization using Extra Features.
与 Unity 物理组件一起使用
Ragdoll Animator 使用刚体和关节物理,因此你可以在 Ragdoll Animator rig 中轻松应用 Unity 的组件。使用弹簧关节模拟连接到绳索上的角色。使用固定关节将物理项目连接到布偶动画制作工具。
额外功能 API
插件自带 "额外功能 "应用程序接口(Extra Features API),可让你在布偶动画更新循环中应用自定义脚本,而无需修改核心代码。这可以实现许多很酷的行为,您会发现发布版本中包含了超过 25 种额外功能。
装备 API
借助此 API,您可以为布偶角色附加头盔/手部物品,包括它们的物理特性,还可以应用自定义的物品重度来影响骨架的物理动画。
Ragdoll Animator 2 还附带了其他组件,如用于操纵刚体的 "磁点"(Magnet Points)和 "关节链生成器"(Joint Chains Generator)/"单个动画链"(Single Animated Chain)。