*** UE5 Female Update 2023***
Per popular demand: First set of Armor pieces are converted to the UE5 Quinn/Female meta tal nrw Skeletons. Showcase from a customer using Medieval Armour.
*** UE5 Update May 2022 ***
Components are converted to the new UE5 Mannequin rig structure.
Ue4 Mannequin meshes are still included for existing customers.
**** Update oct. 2021 **
Usecase sample for knight Char in action : Combatsystem is not included
Added Metahuman tal nrw support:
Body/Head need to be migrated from the metahuman creator and via Quixel Bridge.
Dont forget to assign the Control Rig to the SK Files (Epic does not allow to publish data directly from metahuman creator)
The Medieval Armour NPC pack comes with a load of assets to create a variety of medieval battle characters.
More Info - Dicord invite via review & mail with your Invoice ID.
Medieval Armour is compatible with Medieval NPC and Character Editor.
Basic Integration example
Medieval Armour Port on Metahuman will happen in Beta - after skeleton and workflows have been established. Only tall - normal weight will be supported - Or Epic makes the system flexible enough to retarget SK meshes between bonestructures.
Quixel Medieval Environment walkthrough.
Environment is not included you can download it directly from here: Epic/Quixel.
Multiple SK Itemgroups: hats, hairs, heads, chests are ready to be assembled your own unique medieval warrior.
Diiferent factiontyps: soldier, mercenary, northman, crusader or even a Knight. The pack gives you a basic start point to fill your medieval world with Characters from different armour categories
Each equipment uses a master material and a mask texture, which allow you to tweak its visual appearance in detail. Each body part can be tweaked manually.
For compatibility to other asset packs (like carrying baggage or reading a journal), the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton and main- and off-hand pivots are aligned to its hand grip. Main- and off-hand slots are also prepared in the Blueprints to receive your data.
No Facial Animation included.
*** UE5 女版更新 2023***
应大众要求: 第一套盔甲转换为 UE5 奎恩/女性元塔尔 nrw 骷髅。来自一位使用中世纪盔甲的客户的展示。
*** 2022 年 5 月 UE5 更新 ***
组件转换为新的 UE5 人体模型结构。
现有客户仍可使用 Ue4 人体模型网格。
**** 2021 年 10 月更新 **
骑士 Char 在行动中的使用案例示例:不包括战斗系统
已添加 Metahuman tal nrw 支持:
身体/头部需要从元人创建器并通过 Quixel Bridge 移植。
不要忘记将控制装配分配到 SK 文件(史诗不允许直接从超人创建器发布数据)
中世纪盔甲 NPC 包包含大量资产,可用于创建各种中世纪战斗角色。
更多信息 - 通过审查和邮寄您的发票 ID 发出邀请。
中世纪盔甲与中世纪 NPC 和角色编辑器兼容。
Metahuman 上的中世纪盔甲移植将在测试版中进行 - 在骨架和工作流程建立之后。将仅支持高大的正常重量 - 或者 Epic 使系统足够灵活,能够在骨骼结构之间重定向 SK 网格。
Quixel 中世纪环境攻略。
不包含环境,您可以直接从此处下载: Epic/Quixel.
多种 SK 物品组:帽子、头发、头颅、胸部等都可以组装成你自己独一无二的中世纪战士。