代码插件 rdInst 1.4.1 适配UE5.4

插件名称: rdInst
官网地址: https://www.fab.com/listings/09047678-3919-4fa9-a261-bc75536a4e4a
版本: 1.4.1
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 代码插件

Tested on Windows, Linux and Android - should be compatible with Mac and IOS, Playstation and XBox.

The plugin can be used in two ways:
As an Editor plugin, providing optimized editing and fast randomization, baking out the results into fast blueprint only actors using either just static meshes or utilizing any method of instancing – or even baked into static meshes (great for Nanite). rdBPtools is completely compatible with rdInst and uses its optimizations when you use its Base Blueprints.

As a runtime plugin, packaged along with your project. Providing it’s instancing and spawning routines, and its optimizations for use in real-time – such as randomizing a room to a specific seed before moving it into place. In fact, it is this part that provides the best optimization. You can have many objects in your rooms, each with their own random settings – using rdInst, you don’t even see a drop in framerate when randomizing. Blueprint routines to randomize are somewhat slower – especially when actors rely on other actors to be visible.

rdInst has tools for:
Advanced Auto-Instancing for objects like StaticMeshes, Prefabs and PLAs
Fast and easy access to raw, global ISM or HISM generators from any actor
Managed ISMs or HISMs from any actor based on the rdActor
Actor Proxies for automatic switching to Full Actors from Instances
Powerful Spawn system with large-world compatible proximity spawning
PCG Nodes for spawning rdInst Instances with indexes
Fast Instance to Actor switching and visa-versa
Fast Instance Transforming
Randomization of transform, visibility, selection of 1 from list etc
Themes to control what is visible, and how the randomization is applied
A fast, scalable runtime Landscape Population system, optional splatmaps, slope placement fixing, material detection and much more.
Actor and Component Pooling
Distributed transactions (spread out spawning over multiple frames)
Utilities for various system things
Just use the included rdActor as your base actor, or directly call library functions from the rdInst Subsystem.
Instances are managed according to their owning actor, during Editing this allows fast editing of large amounts of meshes – during runtime this allows fast Showing/Hiding of actors and even sub-folders of meshes for each actor.

Non-managed functions are available too – these give raw access to the InstancedStaticMesh and HeirachialInstancedStaticMesh Components used to create the instances.

It’s as simple as calling the “rdAddInstance” node in your Blueprints, specifying the Static Mesh and a Transform. Removing them is as simple as using the “rdRemoveInstances” – it only removes instances used by your current blueprint.

Even with the Management and Randomization system built in, you’re able to get the same performance as the Foliage Tool - in fact quite a bit faster when you're using World Partition with foliage spread over many tiles.

When Adding Instances at run-time, rdInst can be used to distribute the additions over multiple frames to keep the frame rate smooth - all handled behind the scenes.

已在 Windows、Linux 和 Android 上进行过测试 - 应与 Mac、IOS、Playstation 和 XBox 兼容。

rdBPtools 与 rdInst 完全兼容,在使用其基础蓝图时会使用其优化功能。

rdBPtools 作为运行时插件,与项目一起打包。它提供了实例化和生成例程,以及用于实时使用的优化功能,例如在移动房间之前将其随机化为一个特定的种子。事实上,正是这部分提供了最佳优化。你可以在房间里放置许多物体,每个物体都有自己的随机设置--使用 rdInst,在随机化时甚至不会出现帧速率下降的情况。使用蓝图例程进行随机化会慢一些--尤其是当演员依赖其他演员可见时。

rdInst 具有以下工具
为静态模型(StaticMeshes)、预制模型(Prefabs)和 PLA 等对象提供高级自动定格功能
从任何角色快速、轻松地访问原始、全局 ISM 或 HISM 生成器
基于 rdActor 从任何角色获取受管理的 ISM 或 HISM
PCG 节点用于生成带有索引的 rdInst 实例

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 昨天 16:57
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