代码插件 Shader World Plugin Procedural Terrain, Oceans, Foliage 3.8.4 适配UE5.5

插件名称: Shader World Plugin Procedural Terrain, Oceans, Foliage, GPU-accelerated
官网地址: https://www.fab.com/listings/ee4bcbaf-36ea-4dd9-aade-068e1a8a4794
版本: 3.8.4
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 代码插件

Shader World Plugin is an industry leading terrain solution used by AA Studios and Indies. Built by qualified engineers for scalability and high performance. Using the latest 3D rendering techniques. From smartphones to high-end PCs, from small to several hundred kilometers wide world.

Shader World is an alternative to Unreal Engine Landscape, with a different terrain rendering strategy which better respects the terrain topography thanks to an adaptive terrain topology. It is fully editable at runtime in packaged games, and lightweight enough to build close to planetary size scale worlds. As opposed to Unreal Engine landscapes which cannot be modified once the game is packaged, and legacy oriented to smaller scale.

Surface rendering is coded at the lowest level possible, to be the most lightweight possible (in bytes per vertex notably), following latest industry standards from such games as Call Of Duty warzone. From 1x1km to 100x100km or more, terrains are generated on the fly, without loadings or popping.

Dynamic surfaces such as Oceans can be efficiently computed and rendered: provided default maps currently use a simple sum of sinus waves as water surface, which can easily be upgraded to FFT based solutions.

Generated surfaces can also be used as canvas for various water based simulations available on the store (see Fluid Ninja integration below).

Shader World relies on GPGPU, General Purpose GPU programming, to generate its surface and place assets. It is currently the only fully GPU accelerated tool for procedural world generation available on the Unreal Engine marketplace.

For a given terrain resolution: World surface, collisions, and asset spawning are all generated on GPU deterministically. The only requirement being compute shaders support. Which, for Smartphones, means at least OpenGL ES 3.1 compatibility, while any desktop GPU from 2013 will do.

Shader World plugin is a high performance modern procedural world toolkit, integrated in the Unreal Engine ecosystem, with fast iteration and instant feedback.

Shader World Plugin 是业界领先的地形解决方案,被 AA 工作室和独立工作室广泛使用。它由合格的工程师构建,具有可扩展性和高性能。使用最新的 3D 渲染技术。从智能手机到高端 PC,从小到几百公里宽的世界。

Shader World 是虚幻引擎 Landscape 的替代产品,它采用了不同的地形渲染策略,通过自适应地形拓扑结构更好地尊重了地形地貌。在打包游戏中,它可以在运行时进行完全编辑,其轻量级足以构建接近行星大小的世界。而虚幻引擎的地形在游戏打包后就无法修改,而且传统的地形更小。

地表渲染是在尽可能低的级别上进行编码的,以尽可能轻量级(以每个顶点的字节数计算),遵循最新的行业标准,如《使命召唤战区》等游戏。从 1x1km 到 100x100km 或更大,地形都是即时生成的,没有加载或弹出。

海洋等动态表面可以高效计算和渲染:目前提供的默认地图使用简单的正弦波总和作为水面,但可以轻松升级为基于 FFT 的解决方案。


着色器世界》依靠通用 GPU 编程(GPGPU)来生成表面和放置资产。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2025-3-19 14:31:47
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