完整项目 2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset unity官网 unity3d插件

插件名称:2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0插件官网:访问官网
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2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset unity官网 unity3d插件

Corgi Engine系列索引:

2.5D Platformer Engine 1.0   下载链接
2D Platformer -
Complete Project - Corgi Engine 1.4.2   下载链接
2D Platformer Corgi Engine 1.5.1   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.1   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.2   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.2.1   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.2.3   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 3.0   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 3.0.1   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 3.1.1   下载链接
2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 4.0   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 4.1   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 4.2   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 4.4   下载链接

Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 4.5.1   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 5.0   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 5.1   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 5.2   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 5.3   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 5.4   下载链接
Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer 5.5   下载链接

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset unity官网 unity3d插件

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset unity官网 unity3d插件

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

2D+2.5D Platformer Corgi Engine 2.0 unity3d asset

Requires Unity 5.2.0 or higher.

The Corgi Engine is the most complete 2D + 2.5D platformer / run & gun solution out there.
It's a tight (non physics based controls) character controller for your game. It's very fast and works on desktop and mobile. Run, shoot, dash, use a jetpack, and much, much more!

> Try a demo of the 2D Corgi Engine
Watch a video on Youtube

New in v2.0: you can now harness the power of the Corgi Engine in 3D!

Check out all the engine's features.

This 2D engine includes:

A tight 2D character controller for your player, complete with collision detection, slope handling, movement, jumps, double jumps (and as many more jumps as you like), ladders, jetpack, machine gun, dash (horizontal and vertical), running, crawling, looking up, down, and more. Easy to control and tweak via the inspector.

Basic enemy or friendly AIs behaviors (hurt the player, follow, don't fall from platforms, shoot on sight, flip...) - Camera and 2D parallax management, with tons of options : camera zoom, parallax speed, direction...

Moving platforms, jumpers, cannons, destructible crates, trees, ladders, wind, water bodies and more

Dialogue engine : a basic yet robust dialogue system, to add life to your NPCs!

Dozens of visual assets (platforms, trees, playable characters, levels, particle effects, animations, enemies...) ready to use in your 2D platformer

The whole codebase is heavily documented, and everything's coded to be as easy to customize as possible. Creating your own 2D game has never been this fun!

Check out all the other features. If you have any question, please use the support email on this page. You can also find help on this forum thread.

Legal restrictions : the name Corgi Engine and all music files included in this asset are ? Uniform Motion and for demo purposes only, you can't reuse them.


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2016-3-27 22:01:15


发表于 2020-3-4 18:25:33
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