插件名称:Modern Furniture-II | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 |
Modern Furniture-II U3D模型下载 unity插件下载,超全的现代室内家具摆设等道具模型
Modern Furniture-II U3D模型下载 unity插件下载
Modern Furniture-II U3D模型下载 unity插件下载
Modern Furniture-II U3D模型下载 unity插件下载
Modern Furniture-II U3D模型下载 unity插件下载
Modern Furniture-II U3D模型下载 unity插件下载
Requires Unity 4.3.2 or higher.
Very, very large, modern furniture resource kit come out, A total of 966 models.
Includes all indoor furniture elements: Window,Screen,Door,sofas, cabinets, beds, kitchen, bathroom. . . . Including all
Webplayer Demo
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Model: Medium Tris, Each model has a good uv2
Shader: Special shader, each material contains lightmap effect, usually 1-3 Material ID, the individual is 4 or 5.
Texture: High-quality textures, individual containing normalmap.