Rifle Crouch And Prone Pro 1.1 unity3d asset unity插件下载 unity编辑器
Rifle Crouch And Prone Pro 1.1 unity3d asset unity插件下载 unity编辑器
Rifle Crouch And Prone Pro 1.1 unity3d asset unity插件下载 unity编辑器
Rifle Crouch And Prone Pro 1.1 unity3d asset unity插件下载 unity编辑器
Rifle Crouch And Prone Pro 1.1 unity3d asset unity插件下载 unity编辑器
Requires Unity 4.5.0 or higher.
A set of 53 motion capture animations of crouching and proning for a character with rifle.
This set includes looped animations that can be blended together, transition animations and an example mecanim graph. It's compatible with Rifle Animset Pro.
Video - Animation List Web Player - animation blending example