The most advanced Voxel Terrain Engine for Unity.
Unlike standard terrains, voxel/volumetric terrains allow the creation of holes, caves, overhanging cliffs, etc. It combines the power of Minecraft-like games with the beauty of a realistic, good looking environment.
Multi-threaded core functionalities.
Procedural terrain generation in real time.
Infinite terrains.
Supports heightmaps with finite terrains.
Real time terraforming.
Optimized saving system. Dynamic loading.
Customizable terrain texturing. Supports multiple materials. Compatible with RTP3.
Vegetation placement (trees, etc.) using your own assets.
Powerful grass generator.
In-editor builder tool.
3D A* path finder with path smoothing.
Sources are included. You can expect a thoroughly documented code.
Does not require Unity PRO.
This project is no longer being developed and may not function as intended past Unity version 5.0