插件名称:TerraLand 2.1 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 |
TerraLand 2.1 unity3d asset unity编辑器下载 unity3d插件下载
TerraLand 2.1 unity3d asset unity编辑器下载 unity3d插件下载
This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.3.1 or higher.
TerraLand plugin contains of multiple components which use GIS data & coordinates to load & create Photo-Realistic Terrain from any part of the Earth within a few clicks.
The package is Unity 5.x & Unity 4.x compatible.
Featuring TerraLand Tournament, The demo project as a part of the TerraLand product.
TerraLand Tournament is a Driving Simulator in the desert of White Rim Trail, Utah, USA. The game can be played in 3 modes of Race, Free Ride & Tour with 3 vehicles types of ATV, DPV & SUV which have customized physics, sounds & behaviors.
Full Source Code & Project Files are included in the package.
Play Terraland Tournament For FREE
TerraLand Tournament Video
TerraLand's 3 Main Components Are:
Downloader: Connects to Elevation & Satellite Imagery servers and download needed data for user defined area of interest along with many other options to adjust resolutions and other settings.
Terrain: A collection of multiple operations needed for terrain management in the scene.
MapsMaker: A newly introduced component to do image processing on satellite images and maps. It takes a satellite image and outputs 3 map types of Shadowless map, Colormap & LandCover (Splatmap).
TerraLand as the first commercial package for GIS operations in Unity, brings the fastest & most user-friendly terrain manager right into your hands.
Main Features
Global Elevation & Satellite Imagery support for downloading
Highest available Elevation data resolutions ranging from over 30 meters in most of the Earth areas to approximately 3 meters in some limited areas. More Info
Highest available Satellite Imagery provides 1 meter or better Satellite and Aerial Imagery in many parts of the world & lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. More Info
Bathymetry data included to create above & below (negative values) sea-level heights mixed for the final heights
Multi-Threading operations for faster & synchronous job handling
Create, update & edit terrains right within the scene
Multiple or single terrain chunk support for both Elevation & Satellite Imagery
Built-in Geo-Coder to search any location on Earth
Built-in interactive map for area selection & definition
User-Friendly area definition by real-world metrics or geo-coordinates
Heightmap/Elevation data downloader with complete resolution flexibility & other various options
Satellite Imagery downloader with lots of options to define resolution quality & import settings
Save Elevation & Imagery data for later usage in projects or external GIS software
Can save elevation data in 3 formats of ASCII Grid, Raw & Tif along with projection (.proj) files
Satellite Images will be saved in Jpeg format with compression quality modifier
Automatic failed images downloader due to connection drops during the downloads
Interactive Map can preview selected area using Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, MapQuest, MapBox & Yandex with 35 style variations
ANALYSIS MAPS DOWNLOADER to get terrains’ Slope, Aspect, Hillshade & Elevation maps up to 8192 resolution from server for analysis and visualization
In-Editor Preview of the Analysis/Visualization maps
Predefined resolution presets for elevation & imagery to automatically set final terrain quality
Generated Terrain(s) can have up to 8192 heightmap resolution to override Unity's limitation and achieve high resolution terrain surfaces
Each downloaded Satellite Image/Texture can have up to 4096 resolution and unlimited resolution for the entire terrain(s) as much as GPU can handle
Elevation/Vertical Exaggeration modifier to set final heights. TerraLand automatically rescales terrains based on Real-World area size (value of 1)
Preset Management to save any user adjustments made in the UI
Run-Time "Terrain Neighbors" script to handle terrain neighboring during the gameplay.
Loads any previously downloaded elevation data files of ASCII, Raw & Tif
Applies elevation data to new or existing terrains regardless of the data resolution or terrain(s) resolutions through complex resampling operations
Sets terrain neighbors if lost or doesn’t exist at all for seamless LOD & Tessellation between terrain chunks
Splits selected single terrain to the user defined grid size
Smoothen out terrain heights if there are jagged edges on the surface
Exports elevation data in 2 formats of ASCII & RAW from the selected terrain(s)
Image Tiler which takes a folder containing satellite images in project and textures corresponding terrain(s)
Terrain To Mesh converts selected terrain(s) to mesh and optionally places it in the scene
Mesh To Terrain takes a 3D model/mesh and outputs a terrain with selected resolution in the scene
Converts DMS (Degree, Minute, Second) to DD (Decimal Degrees) coordinate systems and vice versa
Shadow Remover can remove shadows from the Satellite Images through complex image processing operations
Colormap Generator can remove small details from the Satellite Image and generates a colormap
LandCover Generator Filters top used colors in the image and generate a landcover/splatmap from the image
Download & Play Demo Project
TerraLand Tournament Video
TerraLand Showcase Video
TerraLand Tutorial Video
TerraLand Product Page
TerraLand Thread Discussion On Unity
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