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The Adventure Toolkit 1.2 unity3d asset unitypackage插件下载 unity论坛


Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher.
The Adventure Toolkit
Helping anyone make games in Unity without code.

The most common parts of a game (Movers, Menu, Music, Events, Cinematics, etc.) don't need to be programmed from scratch! Use the Adventure Toolkit to quickly spin up whole games with endless flexibility!

Whether you're an artist or designer, who'd rather be concentrating on your craft, or you're a programmer who would rather not re-invent the wheel, the Adventure Toolkit is a reliable, flexible and fun way to get your game up and running quickly.

This is not visual scripting, not a new interface; it's simpler. This is a collection of atomic script tools, tools that do one thing each. These tools are modular, they work together in the same way that the Activate Trigger does: Activate a tool object to run it.

The tools are linked together, turning each other on or off to make trigger systems. These trigger systems are flexible enough to perform simple tasks (like open a door) or more complex procedures (like manage a full cinematic movie with animation and effects) and beyond.

The tools are robust and reliable, fast and quick to set up. Features that make them easy-to-use include, intuitive tool and property names, consistent configuration patterns, tooltips for every property on each tool, and, if all else fails, warning messages at runtime that are helpful and clear.

To get a sense of how much flexibility and power the Adventure Toolkit offers, here is a list of all 53 tools included:

Action Tools:
AimLock - aim objects, like cameras, at target objects, set up direction
Animation Series - play a sequence of animations, including loops and more
Light Fader - fade lights up and down to any target intensity
Material Fader - fade materials to any target color, even fade up or out
Material Trigger - switch materials at runtime, like on prefabs for variety
Mover Series - move objects from one target to another in sequence
Mover Single - a simple mover, includes continuous move, ease in/out and more
Object Tether - tether one object to be pulled by another, as if by a rope
Parent Trigger - alter parenting hierarchies at runtime, snap positions and more
Render Trigger - fade the skybox, ambient lighting and fog settings
Spawn Trigger - create copies of prefabs at runtime, manage copy populations
Sprite Animator - animate sprite sequences, set interval, loop and more
Teleport Trigger - teleport objects, like players, to targets, snap position and more
Texture Animator - animate texture sequences, set interval, loop and more
Time Dilator - control the flow of time, as in slow motion / fast motion effects
Volume Thruster - nudge or throw physics objects within a volume

Audio Tools:
Audio Fader - fade audio sources up or down to any target volume
Audio Series - play a series of audio objects in sequence, pad time and more
Audio Single - play an audio object with delay, loops, varying pitch and more
Music Manager - cross-fade music tracks, set the duration of fading
Music Trigger - trigger the next music track to play or fade out, set a delay
SFX Object - identify audio object to mute via menu, types like SFX, Voice and more

Cinematic Tools:
Camera Manager - cut between cameras in sequence, set timing, use microphone
Camera Shaker - shake cameras to simulate rattling, swaying or hand-held look
Camera Zoomer - perform zoom in/out effects to any field of view, set timing
Captions Manager - manage captions display, for use in dialog, hints or credits
Captions Trigger - trigger a series of captions, set speaker name and timing
Movie Trigger - play, pause, stop or replay movie textures, set speaker object
Overlay Fader - fade up or down full-screen images, fade-to-black, screen efx

Event Tools:
Counter Trigger - receive a number of triggers before activating another object
Economy Manager - manage metrics like health, xp, etc, set limits, triggers and more
Economy Trigger - trigger economy value changes on activation or collision
Event Manager - handle events as groups of objects to activate or deactivate
Event Series - trigger a sequence of events, set timing and more
Event Single - a simple event trigger on activation or collision, condition and more
Input Relay - relay user key or button press input to trigger systems
Interval Trigger - trigger events at intervals, set as regular, range or gaussian
Logical Trigger - trigger based on multiple objects' active state; and, not, or, xor
Look At Trigger - activates another object when looked at by selected camera
Random Trigger - activates from a series of objects randomly, set type of random
Script Trigger - call script functions on objects, pass values, invoke custom scripts
Spawn Life - gives a lifetime limit to existence of objects, to destroy when done
Tool Setup - change other tool properties at runtime, hook up spawned or loaded tools

Interaction Tools:
HUD Manager - display HUD images on any part of the screen, move or fade up
HUD Trigger - trigger the next HUD image to display, set fade, reset on trigger
Log Trigger - send messages to the game log, set time stamp, log change only
Menu Manager - display buttons, text and tooltips, text input, GUIStyles and more
Menu Trigger - trigger based on Menu Manager buttons aside from Scene Manager control
Type Box - display pop-up dialog or story text, type letter-by-letter, skip and more

Scene Tools:
Options Manager - modify trigger systems at runtime as arbitrary menu options
Scene Manager - switch scenes, hold data on menu controls, coordinate managers
Scene Trigger - trigger the next scene to open, set timing
Singleton By Name - identify objects to keep on scene switch, keep only one

For a quick start, watch this Tutorial Playlist and get the idea of how the tools work.

For a much more detailed look, watch this Example Playlist and see how each tool is set up and used.

To see many tools in action, watch a gameplay video here.

Or play the example project online here.

The Adventure Toolkit also comes with a standard ReadMe and a 83-page Reference Manual, detailing all the properties on all the tools.

So let's get started, make games and have fun!


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2016-9-19 12:14:49


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