脚本/功能 IOS Native 8.4 unity3d asset U3D插件下载,手机游戏开发资源

插件名称:IOS Native 8.4插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码

IOS Native 8.4 unity3d asset U3D插件下载,手机游戏开发资源

Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher. This plugin provides the easy and flexible functionality of IOS nati ...

Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher. This plugin provides the easy and flexible functionality of IOS nati ...

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

IOS Native 8.4

Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher.
This plugin provides the easy and flexible functionality of IOS native functions which are not natively available from Unity. Including Game Center, In-App Purchases, iCloud, Social API and a lot more.

Unity 5 ready!

Documentation | Compatibility
Forum | Playmaker Thread | Versions

All Source Code is Open!
IOS6, IOS7, IOS8, IOS9 - supported

ReplayKit API added!
Fully compatible with All Stan's Assets Plugins

Game Center
* iTunes Setup
* Init The Game Center
* Leaderboards
* Achievements
* Changes
* Friends
* Real-Time Multiplayer
* Trun Based Multiplayer

In-App purchases (Cons. / Non-Cons.)
* iTunes Setup
* Coding Guidelines
* Transactions Validation
* Restoring Purchases
* Store Product View

Social Sharing
* Facebook Post
* Twitter Post
* Native Sharing Dialog
* Sending e-mail
* Documentation

Apple TV
* tvOS InApps
* tvOS Game Center Post
* tvOS iCloud
* tvOS Gesture Recognition
* Documentation

iAd App Network
* Banners
* Interstitials
* 9 Gravity Options supported
* Ability to set Custom x, y banner point
* iTunes Setup
* Coding Guidelines

Camera And Gallery
* Taking Photo from Camera
* Loading Texture from Gallery
* Saving Texture to Gallery
* Saving Screenshot to Gallery
* Coding Guidelines

* iTunes Setup
* Coding Guidelines
* Cloud Kit

More features
* Video API
* Media Player API
* Local Notifications
* Push Notifications
* Shared App API
* Date Time Picker
* Poups and Pre-loaders
* System Native Events
* Flash Like Events as gift

* Avaliable Actions List
* iAd Playmaker Actions Guide
* InApp Purchasing with Playmaker

Supported 3-rd party plugins:
* Playmaker - Artists and Designers: Realize your creative vision without coding! Unlock the power of Unity.

* Simple IAP System - Takes the complexity out of in-app purchases (IAPs) and the billing process as a whole by providing a one-stop solution for managing IAPs.

* OneSignal Boost Engagement With Smart Push Notifications.

* Soomla Grow - With SOOMLA Grow, traditional analytics fade away. Instead of knowing your users based only on data you collect, you can now study their behavior across thousands of games.

Contact Stan's Assets support


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2016-9-23 11:01:08


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