本帖最后由 如果没有感觉 于 2017-6-22 09:25 编辑
插件名称:Universal FPS Controller (Pro) 0.6 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 |
Universal FPS Controller (Pro) 0.6 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unity教程
Universal FPS Controller (Pro) 0.6 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unity教程
Universal FPS Controller (Pro) 0.6 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unity教程
Universal FPS Controller (Pro) 0.6 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unity教程
Universal FPS Controller (Pro) 0.6 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unity教程
Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher.
Universal FPS Controller - this is a collection of scripts and add-ons to make your modern and coolest FPS!
You make a stunning shooter or horror? or something else? then this asset is for you, because he designed as a base platform for any kind of first person game.
With it, you can do many useful functions which will be described below.
? Environmental effects
? All the features of a modern shooter
? Limitless weapon possibilities
? Easy integration
? Bullet ricochet!
? Shoot through the object!
? 5 example weapons
? 4 example scene
? Icon , muzzleflash , aim cursor
? Decal system HUD with directional damage indicator and blood spatter
? Customize weapon Item Pickup system
? Double jump
? Platforms
? AI camera
? Flying camera
? Spawn point (objects, player)
? Drag rigidbody
? Minimap and compass
? UI instructions panel
? UI
Written in C# with a big set of core FPS features.
Also, all the scripts are described, easy to learn, and describes the functions available tutorials on YouTube.
Asset will be updated frequently and will add even more variety of add-ons.
? Universal FPS Controller is not a complete game is a base platform!
?This early version of the build, maybe in the future will increase the price of Asset!