This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 4.7.0 or higher.
The Essential Add-On for Unity!
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NEW: 3D perspective grid!
NEW: Keyboard shortcut keys!
NEW: Improved GUI and Preferences!
By giving you both a visual and functional grid, which snaps on all 3 axis, ProGrids enables speed, precision, and quality in your level's construction.
How It Works
With ProGrids ON, objects will always snap exactly to the grid, and a visual grid is displayed in all views. You can instantly change grid size, constrain snapping to certain axis, and quickly toggle the grid snaps or visuals on/off.
These simple features make level construction incredibly fast, easy, and precise. It is especially handy for modular or tile-based environments, but you will find it significantly speeds up workflow and increases quality for all types of work.
What This Means For You
Simply put, ProGrids will subtract hours of tedius work from your day, let you create better game levels, and retain just a bit more sanity. That last bit is especially important!