插件名称:Mobile Social Plugin 7.5 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Mobile Social Plugin 7.5 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unitypackage插件
Mobile Social Plugin 9.821版下载链接
Mobile Social Plugin 7.5 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unitypackage插件
Mobile Social Plugin 7.5 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unitypackage插件
Mobile Social Plugin 7.5 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unitypackage插件
Mobile Social Plugin 7.5 unity3d asset Unity3d论坛资源 Unitypackage插件
Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher.
Plugin provides the functionality to use Twitter and Facebook API on IOS and Android devices.
You can write code once and be sure that it will work the same on your IOS and Android app.
However, some API actions may look different, on IOS / Android even if it do absolutely the same, for example, posting/authorization. You can find out more about differences here
Unity 5 ready!
Documantation | Forum | Playmaker
Source Code is Open! (eclipse project included)
* Setup
* Coding Guidelines
* General Features
* Application-only API
Provided facebook API as the wrapper class around Unity Facebook SDK. With means all Unity Facebook SDK will be completely available for you.
* Setup
* Coding Guidelines
* General Features
* Likes API
* Scores API
* Game Gifting
* Trun Based Notifications
* Analytics
* Native Sharing
* Instagram API
* PlayMaker Actions
* Platform Behavior differences
Fully compatible with:
* IOS Native
* Android Native Plugin
* Google Mobile Ads
* Google Analytics SDK
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