完整项目 Atavism 2 OP Ultra + ALL BUY-ABLE CONETENT

本帖最后由 kira1 于 2017-1-21 18:56 编辑

Cheap atavism op ultra. it cost 400$


Requires Unity 5.0.1 or higher.
Atavism On Premises is the next generation networking platform that allows developers to streamline the process of adding networking capabilities to their game. With over 28 plugins available Atavism is one of the most feature-rich platforms currently available. Atavism On Premises allows you to host your own server where ever you want.

Key Features
Join over 4000 developers using Atavism currently. What comes with Atavism OP is a robust Unity Atavism Editor with over 28 plugins which can be modified to suit your production needs. You also get a external server which connects directly to MySQL database and manages all content that's on the server. Here is a comprehensive list of the plugins:.

* Data Base Plugin: Setup your database information and be able to link directly to it through the editor, allowing you to do changes instantly to things pertaining to your MMO game.
* Instance Plugin: Create and setup new instances in your game which can be anything from Dungeons you want players to explore to multiple different worlds in one MMO.
* Accounts Plugin: Control all player accounts from this plugin and set different access levels such as setting certain players as GM's in your game.
* Mobs Plugin: Create any mob template from a click of a button with stats, as well as loot you want them to drop. You can then spawn these mobs in-game wherever you want in real time. You can even spawn a dragon right in front of other players while they are standing next to you in-game.
* Loot Tables plugin: Setup different loot tables and choose your drop-chance of the items for your mob templates.
* Factions Plugin: Use this plugin to easily setup your different factions for your game and what their standings are to one another.
* Quests Plugin: Create different types of Quests for your players and add them to any NPC to make them a quest-giver. Create a chain of quests that can guide your players through your storyline.
* Dialogue Plugin: Create different dialogues for your NPC's. You can also use this system to allow multiple outcomes in the storyline depending on what a player chooses while speaking to a NPC or even allow access to certain quests only if a player asks certain questions.
* Items Plugin:Create all the items for your game with this; add different stats to items and functionality.
* Skills Plugin: A full skill system which allows you to open up skills when players level up with XP or level up skills using it like the old UO style game play. The choice is yours.
* Abilities Plugin: Create different abilities for your players that they can get when they have a certain skill. They can use these abilities in a wide range of ways from combat to crafting to professions.
* Effects Plugin: Build your own effects for your game to make it unique like a melee-strike effect that deals physical damage or a magic effect that heals your player.
* Coord Effects Plugin: Setup different animations, particles and more to run on events such as play an attack animation and a particle when you use a strike ability.
* Stats Plugin: Design any type of stats you want for your game with this plugin.
* Player Character Setup Plugin:Setup what races, stats and classes you want your players to start with as well as where you want them to spawn and how you want starter characters to look like.
* Option Choices Plugin: This plugin allows you to change different options names for anything in your project.
* Game Settings Plugin: Change hard coded settings for your game to make it unique like how many bag slots a player can have, whether or not mobs give xp and many more.
* Merchant Table Plugin: Setup merchant templates and items they sell in your game.
* Patrol Paths Plugin: Setup and manage patrol paths for mobs.
* Currencies Plugin: Create multiple currencies players can use in your game.
* Stats Plugin: Design any type of stats you want for your game with this plugin.
* Crafting Recipes Plugin: Create different crating recipes dependent on what crafting setup you use.
* Build Objects Plugin: Setup different types of building objects to be used in your game where players can place them down in their claims to build anything they want. Things like walls, doors and so forth.
* Damage Plugin: Assign different damage type and resistances.
* Level XP Plugin: Change xp amount per level gain if you game uses level gain.
* Resource Nodes Plugin: Manage resource nodes in your scenes which is uploaded to the server . These resource nodes can be collected by players in game using tools and skill levels set by you.
* Instance Objects Plugin: Allows creation of interactive objects, regions and other unique things per instance.
* Nav Mesh Plugin: Generate Nav Mesh data that gets uploaded to server so the server knows all objects in the world position and prevents player cheating.

With all these plugins we also have standard things like chat channel, combat , full inventory system and much more in Atavism. The best part is you can easily use and incorporate other assets from the Unity Asset store into Atavism which will expand it even further for you. If you require coding something in we have not covered we do offer an AGIS Server code package which allows server side plugin creation. These plugins can also be sold to other developers. Please note some basic knowledge of Unity and networking is preferred for setting up Atavism On Premises server, but if you are not comfortable with networking we do offer a cloud server system which you can get directly from our store and requires no knowledge of networking as its setup for you.

We can trade to any mobile MMORPG files.

[Chushou = 100] https://workupload.com/file/v5KwNdE [/ chushou]
作者 kira1 发表于 2017-1-21 18:55:33
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