脚本/功能 Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

插件名称:Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码
Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture系列索引:

Easy Movie Texture For Android (Video Texture) 2.36  下载链接
Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.5.4  下载链接
Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.20  下载链接
Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.24  下载链接
Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.63  下载链接
Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.68.2  下载链接

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) 3.59 unity3d asset U3D插件 ios开发

Requires Unity 4.6.3 or higher.
Easy Movie Texture

Including source code (Android , iOS)
Android source path : EasyMovieTexture/AndroidSource folder
iOS( with tvOS) source path: Plugins/iOS folder

This Demo

Supported platforms: Android, iOS, AppleTV(tvOS)

Supported platforms(Editor Mode Installation): PC (windows, Mac 64bit)

Supported format :
Android : Link
iOS : Link

Supported resolutions:
Android: General devices support up to 1920 * 1080.
The latest device supports up to 4k.
iOS: General devices support up to 1920 * 1080.
The latest device is support up to 2560 * 1440.
iPhone 6s Plus supports up to 4k.

It also supports StreamingAssets, external storage, and streaming services.

Android streaming support list: http, HLS (http live streaming),rtsp

iOS streaming support list: http,HLS (http live streaming)

EasyMovieTexture requires Android 4.0 or above.
EasyMovieTexture requires iOS 6.0 or Above.

Unity 4.X requires an iOS Pro.
In Unity 5.X it does not require a Pro.

Supports multithreaded rendering options. (Only supports Unity 5.X.)

Update ( Ver. 3.59)

1. Fixed an abnormal behavior when iOS is in ApplicationPause state.
2. Fixed a side issue with BPC_FaseMode.

Update ( Ver. 3.58)

1. Add BPC_FastMode (Experimental) : Improves performance in PC or Editor. (Note: the shader will automatically change to Unlit / Unlit_YUV.)
2. Fixed a problem where sound does not play in some video formats (on PC)

Update ( Ver. 3.57)

1. When video is not played on iOS,Fixed a problem when calling the Pause () function
2. Fixed CSProjectFilePostProcessor.cs error

Update ( Ver. 3.56)

1. Fixed a problem Pause () function does not work when plugging in headset.(IOS)
2. Modifying Cubemap Modeling Data
3. Modifying Unity 5.6 Support

Update ( Ver. 3.55)

1. Fix conflict in editor

Update ( Ver. 3.54)

1. Add Cube_Map scene
2. Editor mode Simultaneous play limit fixed to 50
3. Fixed blinking issue when building on PC
4. Fixed OnVideoFirstFrameReady issue

Update ( Ver. 3.53)

1. Add Demo_Event Scene
2. Modify some details manual
3. In iOS, fix the problem SeekTo.


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2017-5-3 10:54:20


发表于 2017-5-5 10:35:20


发表于 2018-4-22 18:27:46


i think i'm in love
发表于 2020-3-2 10:53:00
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