完整项目 Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.1a unity3d asset Unity3d插件

插件名称:Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.1a插件官网:访问官网
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Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.1a unity3d asset Unity3d插件,unitypackage插件官网。
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Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 1.2a  下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 1.3a下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 1.3b下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 1.3c下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 1.3e下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.0a下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.0b下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.0c下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2a下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2c下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2d下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2.0下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2.1下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2.4下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.2.5下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.3.0下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.3.1下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.3.3下载链接
Third Person Controller - Melee Combat Template 2.4.1下载链接

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller Melee Combat Template * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller  Melee Combat Template   * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller Melee Combat Template * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller  Melee Combat Template   * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller Melee Combat Template * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller  Melee Combat Template   * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller Melee Combat Template * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher. AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller  Melee Combat Template   * Check o ...

Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher.
AAA Quality 3rd Person Controller
Melee Combat Template

* Check out our:
[Basic Locomotion Template]
for a basic version without AI & Combat, or the [Shooter Template] that already contains all the features.

Developing a 3rd Person Controller is really hard and takes too much time, so we developed this awesome template so you can set up a character controller or AI in less then 10 seconds and melee combat within minutes, leaving space for you to focus on making your game!

With this melee combat template, you have a starting point to make any type of 3rd Person Game, RPG, Action-Adventure, 2.5D Platform, Isometric, Topdown, etc. Your call, your game.

Features >
- Set up any model in less then 10s
- Rigidbody, root motion and non-root motion controller
- Advanced Enemy AI
- Enemy VS Enemy & Companion AI
- Waypoint System
- Lock-on Target
- Mecanim & Humanoid
- 3rd Person Camera with CameraStates
- Works great on mobile devices
- 360 controller compatible with vibration
- Auto detected input type real time
- FootStep audio system on mesh or terrain
- Fully commented C# code
- Documentation and video tutorials
- Play with ragdoll physics

Don't forget to make a backup of your project before importing a complete project.


- Playmaker
- Adventure Creator
- Final IK
- Emerald AI
- Rewired
- ICE Creature Control
- Cinemachine
- DestroyIt
- EasySave2
- Horse Animset Pro
- plyGame
- Gaia
- Morph 3D
- And more coming!

Demo scenes include: - Basic 3rd Person, 2.5D, Isometric, TopDown, MeleeCombat, StaticCameras vMansion, and more...


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2017-5-24 09:37:35


发表于 2017-5-24 09:44:00


发表于 2017-8-10 18:20:25


带骨骼的    棒哒哒
发表于 2020-3-1 09:17:28


发表于 2020-9-1 17:07:59
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