Requires Unity 5.4.3 or higher.
2d bloody zombie shooter game for mobile phones with multi-touch supporting and auto aiming. Advanced shooting allows to realize precision, recoil, stabilization and aiming speed.
- Dynamic accuracy (accuracy, recoil, stabilization, aiming speed)
- Magazine, reloading, limited ammunition
- Auto aiming and easy control
- +keyboard control
- 6 types of weapons
- 6 levels
- 3 types of enemies
- Usage mines and turrets
- Minimap (radar)
- Simple system of visibility and following to the position of the last visual contact
- A lot of blood
- Saving levels and money
- Well-commented-out code with notes to add new weapons / levels
- Spawners with triggers and timers
- Passageways opening (doors and keys)
- Bonuses and boxes with supplies
- Informative game interface
- HP regeneration (delay after receiving damage and regeneration speed)
- Adjusting the volume and size of the joystick
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