插件名称:Wordpress User Data 3.0 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Wordpress User Data 3.0 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件官网 unity3d教程
Wordpress User Data 3.0 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件官网 unity3d教程

Requires Unity 4.7.2 or higher.
Note: This kit REQUIRES Wordpress Login kit
- Includes a Wordpress dashboard data management module
- Store global settings allowing you to tweak the game post-build and have the changes go live without your customers having to download a new copy
In under 60 seconds, add the ability for your games to store and fetch your game's data online!
The Wordpress User Data kit allows you to store anything you want online. You can store data globally for access within all games or you can save data for a specific game only. On top of that you can also sort your data into categories and fetch the data from the server by field, by category, by game or you could even request all info you currently have about the player... or all non-game-specific data you have about the player. Whatever your needs are...
This means it is now possible for you to check what other games of yours the player has and even update the player's settings in one game from within another! "Did you buy the Prequel? Excellent, thank you. Here is 5000 extra Gold". Or the other way around... "Thank you for buying the prequel. I see you already have the main game also. Excellent. I have now unlocked a secret character in the main game"
The Wordpress User Data system uses CML so it comes with many, many powerful search and data filter functions already for users who are familiar with CML.
For those who want total control over their data, a full writeup on how to use CML is available in your project but if you just want to get started immediately, Wordpress User Data comes with simplified functions to help you get started immediately. Just look at the included readme file or inspect the demo. when you are comfortable with how this kit works and want more power and control, check out the CML functions
Because it runs on CML it also means you can store your Rect, Vector3, Quaternion and more using their respective ToString() methods and when you fetch your data back from the server you will receive it already formatted into int, float, bool, Rect, Vector3, Quaternion and more...
Store any value! Keep it online and out of the hands of the cheaters... Gold, score, health, experience, tower upgrade level... whatever values you want to store, now you can!
Install the plugin once and you are all set to store data for all your games. No need to install it for every game, just once.
As is the case with the other kits in the Wordpress User series, this kit also requires zero configuration. Just install the kit into your project, install the Wordpress plugin on your website (if you haven't already) and you are good to go...! That simple!
Includes comprehensive documentation explaining the available functions
Supports multisite installation!