Dev Console 2.4.1 unity3d asset Unity官网 Unitypackage插件,免费
Dev Console 2.4.1 unity3d asset Unity官网 Unitypackage插件
Requires Unity 5.0.4 or higher.
Check the new version comming soon.
Dev Console is an easy to use (and set up) in-game console that can be used for debugging, handling runtime errors or executing custom commands.
The newer version fixes some of the previous bugs, as well as featuring a newer, more felxible command system.
■ Easy to set up. Just add the Console script to some game object.
■ Easy to add (and remove) custom commands, even at runtime.
■ Can be set to show logs (like errors, exceptions or the Debug class logs).
■ Easy in-game use. Just open it and type the desired command.
■ Intuitive auto-complete pop-up list.
■ Keeps a history of last used commands.