完整项目 RPG All-in-One 1.4.0 unity3d asset unitypackage插件 Unity3d shader下载

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RPG All-in-One 1.4.0 unity3d asset unitypackage插件 Unity3d shader下载

RPG All-in-One系列索引:

RPG All-in-One 1.0.2  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.0.3  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.1.0  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.2.1  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.2.2  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.3.0  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.5.0  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.5.1  下载链接
RPG All-in-One 1.5.2  下载链接

RPG All-in-One 1.4.0 unity3d asset unitypackage插件 Unity3d shader下载

RPG All-in-One 1.4.0 unity3d asset unitypackage插件 Unity3d shader下载

Requires Unity 5.6.1 or higher.
SALE: Only $50 for a fully-featured rpg toolkit which is also Mobile Ready.(normally $100)!

New users please follow the installation guide: Click Here

RPGAIO Website
Patch Notes
Check out all our recent updates!

RPG All-In-One (RPGAIO) is a huge creation tool for RPG games in continual development. It boasts a fully code-less interface from start to finish to create your RPG game. From main menu to end credits, an entire game can be created without writing a single line of code in just a few hours!

Link To Forums
Facebook Page

Unique Features of RPG AIO:
- Create an entire game, start to finish writing a total of zero lines of code
- Supports Mobile deployment with on-screen touch controls
- Contains over 20 features and systems featured in well-known RPG games like Skyrim, Diablo and Final Fantasy (see below)
- Customise all features of your created RPG through included EditorWindows and UI
- Customise calculations, create cutscenes and events and write dialog using the Node System
- All code and required assets: Under 20mb! (Excl. included demo)
- All source code is included
- Video tutorials (see link below) and plenty of support available (Email below)
- Download more demos from the website (coming soon)

RPG Features included:
- Robust Save Load System
- Mobile Support
- Mecanim Support
- Pet / Follower System
- Minimap System
- Customisable Stats (Attributes, Vitals, Statistics and Traits)
- Highly Advanced Skill System (AOE , Projectile, Melee, Aura, Ability, Talents, Status Effects and Traits)
- Advanced Combat System (fully customise damage calculations, e.g. criticals, dodge chance calculations etc)
- Advanced Quest System (Multiple quest condition types as well as quest chains)
- Inventory System with a multitude of Item Types (e.g. readable books and audiobooks)
- NPC System (Including dialog, allied npc and reputations)
- Cutscenes
- Detailed Loot System (Per-monster loot as well as loot tables)
- Achievements system
- Harvesting System
- Crafting System (Including dismantling)
- Vendor System (now with UI!)
- ToolTip system for items.

In short, there are two reasons why RPGAIO is great. 1: You write ZERO code. 2: You get one great RPG with a suite of features! Purchase now for only $100 (or cheaper if on sale)! IMPORTANT: Please follow This Guide
to complete the installation of RPGAIO once imported.

Upgrading RPGAIO: Click Here


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2017-10-7 15:58:51


parece muito bom, vou testar, obrigado por compartilhar.
发表于 2017-11-9 04:44:03


o filho de uma puta, pq tu quer cobrar pela porra do dawnçoad se voce n comprou ele tambem, seu viado do karaio.
发表于 2017-11-9 06:23:58


发表于 2017-11-19 13:40:24


发表于 2020-2-28 00:39:24
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