插件名称:Game Kit Controller 2.4b | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Game Kit Controller 2.4b unity3d asset unity3d shader下载 U3D插件
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Game Kit Controller 2.3.6 下载链接
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Game Kit Controller
Game Kit Controller 2.4b
Game Kit Controller 2.4b
Game Kit Controller 2.4b
Solid 1st/3rd Person Controller with unique Gravity and Sci-Fi features!
Update 2.4b brings the pocket system to carry mutiple weapons for player, AI able to get off/on from vehicles and the faction system for relations between NPCs.
GKC is a powerful game framework which allows you to create most type of games very easily. Use it as a third/first person core, to cover most of genres, a shooter, an adventure, action, puzzles, a fixed camera horror/thriller, a story telling, a fast or slow paced type ....
Forget about investing time in reinventing the wheel: Just focus on making your game, while most of the systems are interacting between them. This asset isn't simply a starting point, but a whole engine on top of unity, designed to be customized by inspector or /and extended with your own code.
It is the perfect foundation for your game and a great learning tool. There are tons of possibilities. Enable or disable anything you want.
Set up a character controller or IA and test it in a couple of seconds.
Very customizable effects and options: camera states, configuration and transitions, power system, weapons, touch controls, headbob, custom input keys, footsteps, vehicles, etc...